Chapter 19: Character Description

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Chpater 19:Character Descriptions

Jada-average height (5'5 - 5'7)-Unknown species-dark cloths most of the time-dark make-up-light skinned-light brown long hair-tongue piercing-infinity symbol tatoo on left wrist-British accent (kinda)

Shay'Lene-Short-type B witch-(she's like the peppy white bitch in a teen flick/movie)-popular-long black hair-angel tattoo on left chest-Robby's girlfriend

Brittney-short-type B vamp (currently; after bit by Jada)-blonde long hair-mixed (african american and caucasian)-Cheek piercings-tongue ring-studs-tatoo on bottom lip "Kandi"-dresses like a hooker/stripper constantly-Bryanna's Twin-Secretly Bi..

Santanna-short-light skin-burgandy colored hair-belly buttom ring-quiet type-adopted; Jada's sister

Remirez-tall-muscular-caucasian-smart-loud-type C werewolf-hoe-ish..-friendly-vampire hunter.-Ramon's twin

Ramon-Tall but shorter than Remirez-slim-caucasian-average intelligence-shy-ish-vamp. hunter-Remirez's twin

Charlez-Tall-light skin-brown hair-green yes-type A vamp-popular; girls wanted him always-was with Bryanna...

Robby-Shay'lene's current boyfriend-lusts for Charlez..-He's bi..-light skin-blue eyes-perfect hair-tall-type c vamp-RICH; Royal

Monae-short-(body) VERY developed-long hair-light brown skin-hoodie fanatic (always wore a hoodie)-dark blue contacts-poor-hooker-ish life-parent died at young age -human

sorry this looks a little crappy wattpad doesn't allow bullet points or other tools i use to write this chapter -Nikki

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