Chapter 17: Bullying and Anger Problems

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*Brittney walks out the doors of the bus and people look at her then burst out laughing*Brit*starts to cry more* LEAVE ME ALONE YOU ASSHOLES! WHY WOULD YOU LAUGH AT THAT? I COULD HAVE BEEN SERIOUSLY HURT! INCONSIDERATE ASS MOTHERFUCKERS! *trips on the step and falls to the ground on her butt*(Everyone laughs harder)Brit*gets up and ran into the school*(In the school bathroom)Jada*in the bathroom putting on makeup*Brit*runs into the bathroom*Jada*waves her hand up*Brit*Starts floating* Oh My God! JADA WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?! HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS??!!Jada:Shut up! *arm down*Brit*falls to the floor* You could have put me down gentlyJada: But i didn'tBritt:Are you a fucking witch?!Jada:No, but be quiet!Brit: *yelling* WELL I'M SORRY FOR NOT BEING QUIET THAT YOUR A WITCH!!!!!!Jada:*Vamp skills kick in... moves up to Brit fast and shoves her against the wall by her neck* SHUT THE FUCK UP! *whispers in her ear* Don't forget i can kill you by saying one fucking phrase or either eat youBrit*struggling to speak and breath* I....I.....e...Jada: Talk bitch!Brit*still struggling*Jada: See what I'om taking about?! *fangs come out and eyes turn black & yellow* Huh?! huh?! *put Brit down* and i'om so suppose to be the good witch.. *gets her things and sashays then walked out of the bathroom*Brit:*on the floor barely breathing laying almost lifeless*(Someone walks into the bathroom)??: Omg! BRITTNEY??! SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!!! HELP!!!

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