Chapter 6: One Hour Later

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Jada*otp with issac* please baby i'm scared to leave my house.


i*sigh* what do you want?

i*hangs up*

J:*hangs up to* fuck u to then *off the cieling floats above the bed* ughhh wth am i goimg to do?! huh.. i need some rest *rolls into a sleeping position then starts snorning* (sleeping with eyes open)

Jada slowly drifts away into slumber but drempt of Shay'Lene murdering her and no one finding her body until a year later

Jada*Wakes up startled*

Issac*sitting on the floor eating pizza* Wassup bae



J*starts crying* im scared

I:Are you crying?

J*Still crying*

I:Jada are you okay?

J:No... 😢. help meee...

I*gets up & hugs jada* calm down. itll be okay

J:*cries harder & tries not to mumble* Buh she's gonna kill me

I:I did not undetstand what you said but look. it'll be ok, okay?

J*Hisses and pulls out of his arms* Nobody understands me! *Flies away and out the house*

I:Jada! you know i cant fly! -i hate being human-

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