Chapter 5: On The Bus Again

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Jada*thinking* Well I'm about to get on the bus.... I wonder how this is gonna go...

Jada*Walks onto the bus*

everybody on the bus got quiet then someone on the back of the bus started clapping slowly.. more people started to join till soon everyone on the bus was clapping for Jada

Jada: Why the clapping?

Rem: Jada we're proud that you stood up to Shay'Lene but were clapping to wish you a happy afterlife after she kills you

Jada:What do you mean kills me?

Ram:Have you checked your daily bite?   (Daily Bite is this stories version of twitter)

Jada: no why?

Everybody on the bus took out there phones and showed Jada

It was a picture of Shay'Lene hold garlic pepper caption saying "I'm coming for you Jada"

Jada:Does it look like I give a fuck??

Ram:What are you allergic to?

Jada:Garlic pep.....ohhhh.... now I get it

Bry:*Kid voice* And you call me stupid

Jada:  -_-

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