Chapter 8

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(Y/N) P.O.V

~Dream land~




The sound of chains hitting stone walls. The smell of blood filling the room. The muffled screams through the walls. Hearing that dark cold laugh that sends shivers down your spine. I just want to scream. I need to scream. But the tape over my mouth prevents me from doing so. All I can do is cry and wait for someone to save me from the misery. My blood shot eyes keep spilling salty tears mixed with blood. I flinch every time I hear a muffled scream. My hair hangs over my face like curtain. My wrists are chained to the wall. My skin slowly peeling off from how tight the chains are. My clothes ripped into shreds and stained with blood and tears.

Why am I here?

What did I do?

The sound of feet clinking against the floor. It's getting louder. Their heavy and loud. It frightens me. I'm scared out of my mind and need to get out.

"Well hello dear."

A loud, cold voice echoes through the room. It was evil and demonic. I look up weakly and see this creepy looking creature. It was a dark pinkish purple. It had two eyes on it's chest and one small eye on its head. It was tall and had a very dark aura around it. I look back down at the floor and let my small tears fall to the floor.

"What's wrong? Do you miss your knight in shining armor? Well sadly he can't get in your dreams like me."

I lift my head just enough so he could see my eyes. I give him the most evil look I could. I make the chains hit the stone walls and put my head to the floor once more.

"Well someone's grumpy. But no matter. You're going to help me with something."

It gets down on one knee and lifts my chin forcing me to look at him. My vision was blurry from tears.

"If you don't, I'll kill all your friends and family."

He rips the tape off my mouth and I wince in pain.

"Fine... What do you want?"

I sounded very cold and untrusting. You could hear the anger and frustration in my tone. He only chuckles and pats my head.

"I need you to help me kill Fierce Deity."

I shake my head and kick his legs making him stumble back. He lets out a sigh of annoyance and I stare at him coldly.

"No! No... I love him. I won't let you!"
"Oh but you will! See, I will kill your friends and family. I always get my way. Fierce Deity keeps getting in the way so I need him gone. Your the closest to him. So I'll use you to get what I want. I will send one of my spy's to watch you at all times. When you wake up from the dream you will say nothing. The spy I'm sending sees all. So don't go telling Mr Hero about this."

I scrape my nails against the stone cold floors. I let out a yell of annoyance and hit my feet against the floor. I was having a full blown temper tantrum. I let out a huff and lean against the wall behind me. The monster crosses it's arms.

"Are you done?"

I turn my head away and make a 'Tch' sound.

"Your way more trouble then I thought you would be."

I cross my arms and close my eyes. I wanted to wake up from this nightmare. To get away from all the crap. But I know when I wake up that everything is gonna get worse. My relationship with Anju is slowly slipping through my fingers, I'm in love with a God. How much worse could it get? I'm gonna have a stalker for awhile and I'm flipping out! I don't know what to do! I need mom! I need dad! I need Aunt Jenna! But they're dead and I'm lost! I'm falling into a bottomless pit of darkness and despair. I'm walking a cold, lonely road that goes on forever. When will it stop? Probably never.

"Why does everything bad happen to me?!"

I slam my fist on the floor. I tug lightly on my hair and bury my face in my hands. I would cry but I have no tears left. I'm all dried out. I look up at the monster and flip him off. He had a gaze of shock. I dig my nails into the palm of my hand. A warm red liquid runs down my arm and onto the floor. The monster only stares at me. I point to him and shout.

"I'm not going to do your dirty work! Go crawl into a hole and die!"

I flick my blood towards him and hiss.

"Gosh dang- Just wake up from this nightmare already!!!"

~Dream end~

I wake up in a cold sweat. Tears were streaming down my pale cheeks. I was shaking with fear, anger, sadness. My hair was all tangled and wet from tears. I grip onto the sheets and grit my teeth together.

"No... No. No!"

I rip the covers off my body and stomp out of my room. I walk out the door and into Clock town. I make it only a couple step before falling to my knees. I hear foot steps behind me. I look behind me to see Anju with a worried expression. She touches my shoulder. I stand up and hug her tightly. I bury my face into the crook of her neck and and my emotions spill out. She just rubbed my back and tells me everything's going to be fine.

Even though she tells me this... Doesn't mean everything's going to be alright. Things are only gonna get worse.

Wow... Depressing chapter. Sorry bout dat! If you can't tell, craps about to go down! Reader chan might be going a little insane. But if you had a tall monster come into your dreams and tell you that it's gonna kill your true love wouldn't that make you feel insane? No? It took me forever to come up with this! But I might be adding some Benny boo! I might. Don't get cho hopes up!........ My butt hurts. Just thought I should share that with you! Anyway! Stay fluffy little bunnies! Peace!

Only a monster (Fierce deity x reader) -Under editing-Where stories live. Discover now