Chapter 12

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(Y/N) P.O.V

I hear feet clicking against the stone cold floors. I feel a bad presence in the air. I hear breathing coming from a corner. Shivers run up and down my spine. I peek open my eyes and see two red orbs staring at me. I let out a scream and tap light. She jolts up.

"What is it?!"

She looks around the room and spots the two red dots staring at us.

"Who are you?!"

A dark chuckle comes from the corner. The two red dots seemed to get darker. My hair was standing on the back of my neck. Light growls and flys over to the red orbs. Her light shines through the darkness. The corner was now bright and visible. BEN was just standing there with his head cocked to the side and had a smirk on his face. His hair was slightly draped over his face making him more creepy. His tunic was ripped and shredded. Blood splatters were covering his dark green tunic. The smell of blood and pain came off BEN. His nails were sharp and ready to slice through someone's flesh. His teeth were sharp and ready to taste the warm liquid that runs through your veins. His skin was deathly pale and his eyes were dark red. Blood dripped from his eyes like waterfalls. He would glitch and twitch every now and then. His chuckles didn't sound human.

Light flutters back to me and shields me with her body. Even though she is small she has the biggest personality. I use all my might and lift myself off the ground. I hold my broken arm and bit my lip to not scream in pain. Tears filled my clouded over eyes. Pain shoots through my weak and bruised body.

"W-what do you w-want BEN?"

He steps from his dark corner and bows at me.

"I came to kidnap you m'lady!"

My voice cracked. My throat was dry and I could barely speak. I grab a rock off the floor and hold it in defence.

"Tsk tsk tsk. You should just give up (Y/N). You know bad guys always win. Majora's gonna beat Fierce Deity, and when he does he'll make you his queen. You'll rule the world with him!"

I shake my head and point weakly at him.

"But I thought you wanted me! Not Majora!"
"I did. But I don't want a gal thats kissed Fierce deity. And you've already did that. Sooo..."
"That's the only reason? Just because I kissed Fierce Deity?"
"Bingo! I can't force you to love me. After that kiss with Fierce Deity there was no way I was gonna make you love me. You've already made your decision."

Light flys up to BEN and whacks him on the head. BEN groans in pain and swats at light.

"Get out of her you little twat! Fierce Deity told me to keep (Y/N) safe! I'm not letting you take her!"

He grabs a bottle from his pocket (zelda logic!) and traps her inside. She bangs against the glass and yells loudly.

"You can't do this! You'll never win!"
"Oh, but I already have!"

He sets the bottle on the ground and picks me up. I try kicking and squirming around but his grip only gets tighter. He holds me bridal style and smirks at me.

"Shall we go see your boyfriend?"

He smiles at me and a light engulfs us. I close my eyes and wait for something bad to happen but nothing did. I open my eyes to see we were flouting. There was nothing but darkness. But in the distance there was a tiny white light. BEN taps my head and chuckles.

"This is what's it's like to teleport."

I started to feel a burning sensation in my lungs. I gasp for air but nothing feels my dried up lungs. My face turns deathly pale. I look to BEN and give a concerned face. He only smirks at me.

Only a monster (Fierce deity x reader) -Under editing-Where stories live. Discover now