The Art Show

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The day after the akatsuki children moved in with the Uzumaki Family, Hinata was trying to clean the house when suddenly a ruckus was heard from the back yard where the children where playing.

Boruto bolted in "Mom come quick Sasori is freaking out! I can't get him to calm down." He said taking Hinata's hand and leading her outside. They stopped in front of the small red hair child who was sobbing over a pile of what appeared to be saw dust.

Hinata sat down beside the crying boy and pulled him up into her lap wiping away his tears. "What's wrong Sasori?" She said in a soft spoken tone, pushing his hair out of his face.

"He-He r-ruined everything!" Sasori sobbed stifling out his words with great difficulty.

"He who?" She asked confused

"Deidara!" He replied  sniffling with tear filled eyes.

"I didn't do anything, cry baby." Deidara growled not wanting to be told on, "your 'art' was garbage anyway, Sasori my man."

"Will someone please tell me what's going on from the beginning?" Hinata sighed looking at the children.

Konan finally sighed and stepped forward. "I know what happened... So, Sasori and Deidara were having another argument over the definition of true art, if it's eternal beauty or an explosion. Well they couldn't come to an agreement, then Obito said that we should have an art show, they could show us their work and we could judge."

"Go on." Hinata said listening to the young kunoichi intently.

"Well we set everything up and Sasori went first. He brought out two puppets he had made which are very beautiful and resemble his parents. He seemed very proud of them, but when it was Deidara's turn things went wrong..." Konan said looking between the two boys.

Deidara sighed looking down, "I just wanted to prove that true art was an explosion... I made one of my exploding origami birds. I didn't mean to blow up his puppets. I thought they would be more durable..."

"You're a liar! You broke mom and dad on purpose!" Sasori cried.

"Mom and dad? You do know those were just puppets right, my man?" Deidara asked.

"Shut up! You don't understand anything!" Sasori screamed pushing himself from Hinata's arms and running into the woods.

"S-Sasori! Come back!" She called.

"Don't worry I'll find him." Deidara said chasing after him, "Sasori wait for me!"

"Leave me alone!" Sasori called back.

Hinata started to follow after them.

"No Mrs. Uzumaki." Hidan said standing in her way. "They have to fix this."

Mean while Sasori went deeper into the woods finding a tree at which he cried beside. Deidara heard his friend's crying and sighed softly. He broke off a couple of pieces of tree branch and began to whittle with his knife. He then approached Sasori handing him to small poorly carved puppets.

"Sasori, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to destroy your puppets. I know they're important to you." Deidara said looking over apologetically.

Sasori sniffled and looked at the two small puppets, "what is this crap?"

Deidara chuckled "well, I'm not as good at making eternal art as you are.. I just I'm sorry Sasori."

Sasori wiped his tears away, "they're rubbish. Thanks Deidara." He laughed softly holding the two new puppets close to him.

Deidara smiled "No problem buddy."

"So how do we get back home?" Sasori asked a bit lost.

Deidara looked around "umm I don't know..."

"Well fly up and find out?" Sasori suggested.

"I can't.." Deidara said "I forgot my origami stuff at the house. I can't do anything..."

Just as the boys began to panic Hinata showed up. "You two sure have been out here a while. Everything okay boys?" She asked sweetly.

"Perfect timing Mrs. Uzumaki." Deidara smiled rushing to her and hugging her, "didn't Hidan tell you not to come out here?"

"Well yes but a couple hours I thought would be enough time for two young boys to be lost in the forest of death." Hinata giggled. "Sasori how are you now honey?" She asked directing her attention to him.

"I'm good now." Sasori smiled, "look what Deidara made me?"

"Wow that's very nice." Hinata marveled at the small puppets.

Deidara smiled, "you really like them?"

"Yes. I think you both can learn a lot from each other's art styles if you stope fighting all the time." Hinata said ruffling the boys hair.

They both smiled. "Mrs. Hyuga, will you carry me home?" Sasori asked looking up at her.

"Of course." She replied wrapping an arm around the young boy and holding him close. "Deidara, would you like me to hold you as well?" She asked

Deidara smiled "No that'll be to heavy." He insisted taking her free hand instead. And the three made their way back home.

To Be Continued:

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