The great Race

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A few days pass and the akatsuki children were playing once more. Kisame was splashing in the pond outside the Uzumaki house with Hidan when Itachi caught his eye.

"Hey Itachi, what are you doing here? I thought you were staying with your Otouto-Chan." Hidan asked curiously.

"Oh I was but Sasuke had a mission to tend to and Sakura does not wish tot take care of me while he is away. Hinata was kind enough to let me stay here." Itachi explained. "So what are you guys up to?"

"Not a lot.." Hidan said looking over to Kisame.

"Banananananananananana NANANANAAAAAANA BANANANAAAANA! SHARK ATTACK!" The shark skinned child yelled throwing his body into the water and biting at the air.

"Ummmm okay then?" Itachi said watching with confusion.

"Yeah, we've just let him do his thing." Hidan said with a shrug.

"I've got an idea." Itachi said with a smirk walking up to Kisame. "Hey, wanna play a game?"

Kisame paid no mind to Itachi and began biting on a plastic toy boat he had put in the water "Doom Doom Doom."

Itachi sighed "Kisame? Come on let's play."

Still though Kisame continued his odd game.

Itachi became very frustrated, "KISAME FISH SUCK!"

He gasped "How dare you! Fish are my friends."

"Oh yeah, let's make a bet." Itachi said smirking glad that Kisame was finally paying attention.

"What's the bet" he asked dripping water off his head.

"I bet that I can run from here to the forest of death and back before you can swim there. And if I win you can't go near water for a week." He chuckles.

"What if I win?" Kisame asks.

"Heh on the off chance that that happens alright, if you win we all go to the aquarium." Itachi smiled

"WHAT? I don't want to go to some lame aquarium!" Hidan groaned

"Do we have a deal?" Itachi asked ignoring Hidan.

"We've got a deal." Kisame replied shaking his hand.

"Here we go..." Hidan sighed.

Itachi smirked "EVERYONE GATHER ROUND!" Itachi called as the other children gathered to the start of the race.

"I guess I will get this started.." Hidan said standing between the two.

"No it should be a girl like Kona... Well no you're right Hidan you'll do." Itachi grinned

Hidan glared "Alright, water verses land crow vs shark who will win? From here to the forbidden forest and back!" Hidan said.

"Yeah yeah yeah quit stalling!" Itachi said anxiously as the two boys get on their mark.

"Fine... On you're mark... Get set... GO!" Hidan called as Itachi bolted off as quickly as he could.

"Umm Kisame?" The others all looked to the shark like child with confusion as he just sat in the pond.

"I said go..." Hidan said looking at him curiously.

"Oh yeah." Kisame said making a hand sign that consumed him in a bubble of water and the bubble lifted him from the pond and made its way into the race.

"Umm should we follow them?" Konan asked looking between the other's

"Nah." Sasori and Deidara replied.

Mean while, Itachi hurried down the street into the main town streets. "Pardon me! Sorry coming through!" He called as he passed by several villagers on foot.'Heh, Kisame is so dumb there isn't even water that leads to the forbidden forest.'

Kisame was catching up pretty quickly. He went around the town and cut Itachi off at the pass. "Heh this race is as good as mine! Water rules!"

Itachi saw the shark boy floating in front of him and making a turn from the forbidden forest back home. "What? How? You're cheating!!!" The uchiha screamed.

"You never said no Jutsu." Kisame said sticking his tongue out at Itachi while Itachi slid after Kisame.

"It was implied!!" Itachi called.

The two boys rushed neck and neck toward the house knocking many villagers over. The boys hurried to the finish line expecting to see all their friends waiting.

When they made it to the yard all the kids were gathered around the tree playing with Deidara's clay. The two collapsed but quickly jumped up into an argument.

"Ha- I so won!" Itachi smirked "no water for you!"

"No way you were miles behind!" Kisame snarled

"HIDAN!!" The boys both called looking for a tie breaker

"Huh? Oh umm sorry guys I was playing with the clay. Have you guys ever played with this? It's super cool." Hidan smiled nervously rubbing the back of his head.

"You... Didn't... See.. Who...won..." The boys looked with anger "WE'RE GOING TO KILL YOU!!!"

Just then Hinata heard the ruckus. "What's going on out here?" Hinata asked.

The children all made a commotion of he said and then he did.. Hinata could make no since of their endless noise. "Hidan. What happened?"

"Well Kisame was being a shark and Itachi wanted to play and they made a bet so they raced to the forbidden forest."

"What is with you kids and the forbidden forest?" Hinata asked a bit annoyed the kids snuck off.

Hidan shrugged "so anyways Itachi and Kisame came back and we weren't paying attention cause cool clay and now they don't know who won." Hidan said smiling up at Hinata "and that's all I know about that."

She sighed "kids let's call it a tie and be glad I'm not grounding you for sneaking off.."

The boys grumbled "Sorry Mrs.Uzumaki."

"It's okay. Head on inside kids. It's time for dinner." She said softly.

As the children hurried inside Naruto walked up behind Hinata. "Everything okay?"

"Y-Yes Naruto. Just busy. How was work?" She asked with a smile kissing her husband softly.

"Pretty good." He replied wrapping his arm around her. "Sasuke sent word from his mission, he says he has a lead on who did this to the Akatsuki. If he is right it should be interesting getting them turned back."

"Oh? Who does he suspect?" She asked curiously.

"Orochimaru." Naruto said walking inside with his wife.

~To Be Continued.

The Troublesome Case  Of The Akatsuki ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now