Puppy Problems

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Nagato, Hidan, and Konan were playing outside together. The two boys were doting over the oblivious kunoichi as she made origami.

"Konan you're so talented. The God's can't even compare to you." Hidan smiled at her watching in aw

"Yeah Konan, you're so amazing." Nagato chimed in.

Konan smiled to them. "Thanks you guys. That's super sweet." She replies as she handed them small paper swans.

The boys took them and smiled marveling at her work. "Thanks Konan!" They exclaimed. "I love it." The boys said happily.

Konan smiled when suddenly a small puppy appeared, "puppy?" Nagato said seeing the small fluffy animal. He ran to it and picked it up petting it softly. "Aww aren't you the sweetest thing. Are you lost little guy?" Nagato asked as the puppy licked his face.

Konan and Hidan walked over cautiously as they did not know this dog. Konan reached up and pet it. "You're so cute little fellow." She smiled to it softly.

Hidan then went to pet it but when he did so the animal attempted to bite him. Hidan glared "what sort of mongrel is this? Why would you bite me foul beast. I ought to sacrifice you to the gods." Hidan growled.

"Hidan no calm down." Konan warned "it's just a puppy you startled him is all." Konan smiled sweetly.

"Yeah he isn't a sacrifice. I'm calling him Hiro." Nagato said holding him close.

"Do you really think Mrs.Uzumaki will let you keep him?" Konan asked a bit shocked.

"Well I mean what she doesn't know won't kill her right?" Nagato asks. "You won't rat me out will you?"

Konan sighed "no of course not but what if someone is looking for Hiro?" She asked.

"Then they should have watched him better." Nagato smiled brightly.

Hidan chuckled, "I think Konan has a point."

"No one asked what you think." Nagato said.

Later that night the three children and the puppy snuck in. Hinata and Naruto set the table for the children. She noticed that the children were acting a bit strange.

"What's wrong Nagato?" She asked watching after dinner

"W-wrong? Nothing's wrong." He says.

"Is that so?" Hinata says looking between the three of them.

"Yeah why would we lie to you Mrs Uzumaki?" Hidan replied nervously.

"Konan?" Hinata pried.

The small girl struggled to keep her promise but suddenly she broke down. "No Mrs Uzumaki we found a dog and have it hidden in Nagato's room." She cried

"Are you kidding me?!?" Nagato growled

Hinata got up and checked in seeing the dog she knew exactly who it belonged to. A little bit later Kiba walked in.

"Which one of ya has been taking care of my Yoshi pup?" He asked cheerfully.

Nagato was crying holding the puppy close. "I- I didn't mean to take him. I just found him I didn't want him to be all alone."

Kiba smiled "I appreciate you taking such great care of him."

Nagato nodded "I'll miss you Hiro- Er I mean... Yoshi."

"Hiro? I like that." Kiba grinned, "tell you what. You take care of Hiro a little longer for me okay. You just have to come over at least twice a week so we can train him to be a ninja hound okay?"

"Really?! That would be awesome!" The young boy exclaimed

"Take care of him for me. " Kiba replied

"You get to stay hiro! I'm so happy." Nagato cheered with his friends and puppy.

"T-thanks for that Kiba Kun ." She smiled softly.

"Anything for you." Kiba smiled waving as he disappeared.  (To be continued.)

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