Chapter 7- Percy's Second Birthday

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Percy was playing with his Super Marble set when he heard the door unlock and knowing there were three people total that had keys and that his mom was already home he instantly got up.

Running to the door Percy shouted, "Auntie Tashé!" (Pronounced: Tash-ee, thought it'd be cute) Percy shouted happily hugging his designated aunts leg.

"What about me?" The other person said and Percy hugged the other man's leg too, "Uncle Crint!"

Clint picked up the small child and gave him a proper hug but was still mindful of a small cut he was hiding, "Sup kiddo." Clint said allowing the small boy to wrap his arms around his neck and hug him.

"Where are the others?" Sally asked from the kitchen all well known how often the spies visit.

"Should be here soon." Clint said as he let the child down slowly to not aggravate his cuts.

He saw Sally narrow her eyes but let him be, for now anyway.

Percy dragged his uncle to another room so he could listen to his uncle read him a story that his mother got him, mostly Dr.Seuss books.

Percy was just content on leaning against Clint in the rocking chair as Clint held the book in front of both of them but in a way that Percy could follow along if he so wished to do so.

"How is he?" Natasha asked helping Sally make the small cake.

"He knows what a father is and questions where is father is. I don't know how to break it to him." Sally said sighed.

"Tell him the truth? He's still young, cope better than when he's older." Natasha suggested but felt out of her depth.

Sally sighed a little but put on a fake smile as the doorbell rang.

Percy was quickly up and running to the door, Sally behind him, as the door revealed Phil, Maria, and Fury.

Only the males looked tired as if they had a long day at their work.

Sally smiled at them and gave each of them a hug.

Phil picked up Percy and placed him on his hip as they directed him to the couch where Clint brought the book they were previously reading out and handed it to him.

Sally, with the help of Natasha and Maria, finish the cake while placing some chips and ice-cream near it.

As they walked out of the kitchen they saw the boys reading to Percy who was contently leaning against Clint.

"Everyone ready for cake?" Sally asked bringing the cake out as her now two year old son looked at it curiously.

Fury picked him up and placed him in a high chair, which he still didn't exactly liked but was use to sitting in it. It was either that or not able to see over the table. He likes the first option.

Maria was just able to get the video camera out and recording as Sally placed the cake in front of him and they all 'sang', Clint just sung badly which made Percy giggle, and Sally told her son to blow out the candy which he did so hesitantly.

When she picked up a small plastic fork and got some of the cake and told him to try it he did so reluctantly.

But when he took the first bite his face lit up with shock and enjoyment as he took another small piece, and ate it calmly, he didn't want to make a mess just yet.

When he had enough he smiled at his mother and when Natasha was passing Clint money Percy just happen to throw cake at his face.

When Clint was scrambling to get to him and wipe off the cake Percy somehow escaped his high chair, jumping on the ground, and started to run around the small apartment with Clint on his tail as his giggles were gears.

The giggles amplified up when Maria entered his bedroom focusing the camera on Percy who was being tickled relectlacly by Clint.

"Stop!" Stop!" Percy shrieked smiling happily but desperately to get out of his uncle's clutches.

When Clint leaned back on his heels satisfied with his work, he smiled down at Percy who scrambled with a giant smile on his face hiding behind his mother trying to catch his breath, "Mommy!" Percy whinned, "Uncle Crint's being a big meany again." Percy said pointing to said uncle.

"Was not." Clint said playfully back also in whinny voice.

"Was too." Percy shot back

"Was not."

"Was too."

"Was not."

"was not."

"Was too." Clint then swore in another language at Percy's winning smirk, Natasha smacking him knowing what he said, Phil and Maria with amusement in their eyes and Fury who also looked amused.

Sally was smiling cutting in, "A two year old beat you in an argument Clint. How do you feel?" she asked

Before CLint could retort Natasha cut in saying, "The only reason Percy won was because he had more brains than Clint." she said smirking.

"Yeah!..." Clint said happy that Natasha was on his side then his look turned to one of offended, "Hey!" he said

Sally cracked up laughing at there battling and when calm enough asked Percy if he wanted to open his presents which he nodded vigorously too.

Clint got him a small nerf bow and arrow saying, 'he can start early, then was promptly shot in the forehead by a nerf arrow courtesy of Percy.

Natasha got him a small PSP with some games.

Fury got him some legos that they knew he wasn't going to try and eat or stuff in his nose, he was far to smart for that, they learned.

Phil got him some painting supplies including, paint, paper, and a small stool to paint on with an easel.

Maria got him some cards promising to teach him Blackjack and Poker, of course Sally objected but there wasn't any heat as long as he didn't play for money.

Sally, among the Dr.Seuss books, also got him big boy clothes, tricycle, and some bath toys that he didn't have as of that day.

Overall, it was the best birthday Percy had with his family.

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