Chapter 31- House of Hades

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You think you know the world when Medusa flirts with a twelve year old you.

As horrifying as it was, falling down into a deep pit with no lighting and no sense of might just shift that view of the world.

Especially the pain you feel when you fall into water that wanted you to drown and not try to survive.

Yeah....already Tartarus is a zero on the scale of fun.

Of course then there's the twisted ankle your girlfriend has. The lack of food or water, the feeling of despair, and the total red area all around and multiple heights meaning that you actually had to climb down areas the best you could.

But nooo, Tartarus also had to throw in monsters trying to kill us exactly where they reform. Thanks the heavens when Bob showed up when he did.

Of course fate had to be cruel when I thought he wouldn't help Annabeth with her blindness as she walked around blindly because of that stupid curse.

No matter how hard I tried, I won't ever forget the feeling of failure when I couldn't reach her voice that was calling out to me.

The pain in my body from all the curses could never be compared to the feeling in my heart by the panicked sound she made as she walked blindly trying to find me.

The feeling of failing a loved one was more worse than death. Which is why I felt I could die happy when Bob helped Annabeth, allowed himself to be my friend because he is.

I might be a sucky friend but at least he didn't punish Annabeth for my lack of social skills like Nico...something I never thought I would say really.

I am also proud to have known Damasen the actual gentle giant in a way. The giant who broke the cycle he lived in and escaped a fate that was brought to him by his own family.

The giant who healed me of my curses and gave Annabeth the sword she now used today. There are many things that I am thankful for, I realized how precious life was and that promises are something you keep no matter what.

I promise Annabeth no more controlling poison (it was really creepy). I will never forget the look on her face when I controlled the poison.

I also won't forget my reaction, disgust, curiosity, excitement, and power. There are promises you can't ever break and I don't intend to breaking this one.

I also won't break that promise I made to Zoe all those years ago when I was still a somewhat innocent child, the promise I made to Bianca, to Nico who I failed, the promise I made myself.

I promised myself that I will be there for my family for the aftermath, no matter what happened and no matter how much they tried to push me away, I will always be there for them.

I also won't let them know of the nightmares I had, maybe the Avengers because they can understand, but not Camp Half-Blood, not the family there.

Because after the war, I became their leader, the guy who seemed to know what to do, the guy who was a wall and never cried no matter what was thrown at him. I was known as that guy and I won't fail breaking their innocent minds with some nightmares.

Tartarus was a lot of things, but a place where I break promises was not one of those.

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