Trip Begins... Now!

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"KARMA WAKE UP!" You desperately tried to wake Karma up but he wasn't budging. You shook him from side to side and even yelled in his ear and still nothing. You decided to jump on his stomach and see what happens. "3,2,1," you jumped on his stomach and he immediately got up.

"OUCH WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He yelled in pain.

"You wouldn't wake up no matter what I did so I jumped in your stomach." You said smiling. He gave you a glare before getting off the bed, and headed towards the bathroom holding his stomach. He came out a few minutes later, dressed up and ready to go. You guys were wearing matching outfits. Well, kind of. He wore a maroon polo shirt opened up, with a black shirt under. He also wore black jeans. You wore a maroon tank, with a black undershirt, and black pants as well. And to top it off, a black snapback. You grabbed your black convers, tied them on, and went out the door.

"Hurry Karma before we're late!" You yelled running.

"Hai. Hai."

You guys arrived in time and explored along with Nagisa and the others, looking for rare bugs. Okajima suddenly popped out of no where and gestured us to follow him to see what Koro-sensei was doing. We were behind the bushes and saw Koro-sensei in a pile of porn magz, while dressed in a beetle suit. "What the hell is he doing." You guys said in unison. Okajima explained that he gathered data on Koro-sensei and he changes his suit each time he reads a different type of porn magazine. Karma took out his phone and started taking pictures for blackmail and you did as well. We observed him for a little longer until his eyes started popping out of his head.

"Oi. Okajima, what does that mean." You said pointing at the teacher.

"I don't have data on that one!" He panicked. We continued to observe him, wondering what was going to happen to the teacher. He immediately got up and caught a rare beetle in Mach 20. Hinano got up as well in amazment.

"Sugoi! I've always wanted to see one! Can I hold it sense!" She asked excitedly. We all sweat dropped and got out of our hiding spots. Thinking that we were actually going to be close to killing him.

"Wow sensei, I can't believe youre actually reading porn in front of your students. You should be ashamed. I guess I'll have to tell the others about this now." You said walking away.

"Wait (y/n)! I promise I'll buy you guys popsicles if you don't tell anyone! I know as a teacher, I should be ashamed. I even knew there was a trap under thing but I couldn't help myself!" Koro-sensei screeched. Okajima felt disappointed because he thought the teacher never noticed his trap.

You just ignored the other details. "Deal." You said smirking.

He handed Hinano the rare beetle and she jumped with joy. "We could get 100,000 yen from this!" She yelled.

"100,000!" We all shouted in unison.

"But what makes it so expensive?" Nagisa asked.

"Take a close look. The eyes are white. Many beetles like these either have black ones or had black ones and got white eyes when they matured. This one is naturally white eyed." Koro-sensei explained.

"Forget about that what about the money?! Its worth more than koro-sensei so we could use the money to buy stuff!" You yelled.

"Good point, we won't need to kill koro-sensei anymore." Sugjno said. After hearing this, koro-sensei looked relieved.

"No, because if we kill him we get more money." You pointed out. Everyone nodded in agreement except koro-sensei.

Time skip~
We finally arrived at the island with a pale looking koro-sensei. We went inside the hotel in amazement.

"Sugoi! Its so big. No wonder its a 5 star hotel." Nagisa said.

"There's still more to see, Nagisa." You said opening the room. The whole class was sharing one room. The room is really big, plus there was a separate room in the other side. So one side could be for the girls and one for the boys. You guys put down your stuff and went upstairs/downstairs to explore.

We went into 2 people groups.
Nagisa and kayano.

Karma and you.

Maehara and isogai.

Kanzaki and okuda.

And so on. When you and Karma were about to leave, you saw Okuda giving a glare at you, filled with jealousy. "Does she like Karma?" You thought in your head. You shook it off and walked up with Karma. You guys found yourselves at a pool.

"Karma can we swim?" You asked.

"Now? Do you even have a bathing suit?" You nodded.

"I have a swim suit. But its a surprise." You said brining your finger to your mouth. He looked at you and smirked.

"Then I guess we could go. I have mine too." He said holding up his.

You guys went into the bathroom and started to change. You came out a few minutes later and saw Karma waiting outside. He looked at you from head head to to toe and blushed.

"It...looks good on you." He blushed. You were wearing a black top the could show your cleavege. It had a white polka dot pattern with white frills as well. For the bottoms, you were wearing something like a mini skirt with the same patterns to match it.

You gave a off a chuckle and spoke,"Thank you."

You guys headed towards the pool. And once you reached it, you pushed Karma in. He came back up the surface with an angry expression. You were laughing st him and pointing at his face.

"Hahaha you should've seen how stupid you looked!" He grabbed your arm and pulled you inside. You came up the surface and growled.

"What was that for!?"

"I could ask the same!"

You guys started splashing each others faces, laughing at the same time. You were currently hiding behind a large rock, with a water gun in your hands.

"Now,where is he..." You said observing your surroundings. You looked everywhere except above you. Karma sat there above the rock, you noticed and clicked your tongue. Before you could move, Karma sprayed with water.

"I win!" Karma said smirking.


"Don't be like that, (y/n). Just accept your loss."

"Fine. Anyways we should go, we need to prepare the for the assassination." You smirked.

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