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Sorry for not updating, I have a life soooo (haha no I don't) Fine the truth is I had writer's block...Oh and one more thing. You'll find out why the story is called betrayal in the end of the story ;)

Karasuma fell on the ground with a thud, the whole class running up to help him. He was still a bit conscious and Isogai helped him up along the way. You guys entered another building. You guys were currently hiding next to the wall, moving as a group.

"Guys there's someone over there." You whispered.

"Who?" Isogai asked.

"Most likely another hitman." You replied.

An unfamiliar voice spoke up giving slight chills to the class. "I know your there hm. Come out hm.

The class slowly went out all thinking the same thing. "We're to scared to say it but..."

Karma and you said the same thing as if you read their minds. "Wow. You sure say 'hm' a lot mister." You guys said smiling.

"Th-thank god for Karma and (y/n)!"

"I heard in Japan it makes you sound a lot like a samurai. But if it doesn't, I could drop the act after I kill you guys." the hitman replied clenching his his hands into a fist.

"Oh so he's not born here..."

"But what a disappointment hm. I was looking forward to having a real battle, but there's just a bunch of highschoolers hm."

"Karma what do you-" you noticed Karma wasn't standing at his place. You looked a bit more for him and saw him holding a plant. 

"Sh." he mouthed bringing a finger up to his mouth.

"These are my weapons hm." the hitman said grasping thin air with his hands. "I could break bones just with one grasp. Even your skull hm."

The hitman was continuing his speech, cut off by the sound of shattering glass. "Aren't you a little to average for hitman? Breaking bones, breaking skulls, i could do that too." Karma smirked.


"Why are you trying so much to get out of this? Are you to scared to be defeated by a high school student. Let's fight fair and square. Just bare hands." Karma said provoking Mr. hm.

"Interesting hm. Show me a fight I won't forget hm."

Karasuma started speaking "Karma don't he's to strong for-" 

"It's fine. Trust him. He's really serious about this." You said cutting the teacher off.

They got into their stances, prepared to fight till the death. (Prepare for some really lame action stuff from me.) The blonde man started attacking first. His movements were fast, making Karma barely dodge or block it. They continued this pattern over and over until Mr. hm. came to a stop.

"Why aren't you attacking hm? You guys will never defeat me like this hm."

  "I mean I could just distract you and let everyone pass by one by one. thanks." Karma smiled. You chuckled at his comment knowing that he was never going to let anyone miss his show time.  

"Now, it's my turn." Karma came in with a kick, Mr. hm. blocking Karma's moves. Karma found an opening and kicked his leg. Mr. hm bent down in pain, crouching down to hold his leg.

"Chance!" Karma dashed towards Mr. hm. and poisonous gas spread into the room. Karma collapsed and the Mr. hm held Karma by his skull.

"Karma!" the class shouted. Well except you. You were smirking satisfied of the current situation.

"That's not fair! You said you just fight with bare hands!" one of Teraska's men said. (I forgot his name)

"I never said I fight just with my hands. Now, look at your precious friend, who's going to die right-"

Another puff of gas came out, coming from Karma this time. Everyone in the class looked relieved and let out a sigh.

"What a coincidence. We were thinking the same thing!" Karma smiled devilishly.

"How'd you get that hm?" the hitman grabbed a pocket knife and weakly charged at Karma. Karma took his arm and twisted it. The hitman fell over and Karma just sat there happy. 

"Teraska, Terakasa! Come on and tape this guy, make it snappy!" Karma said in a sing a long tone.

"Hai. Hai." all the guys in the class came rushing over to Karma's side and tackled poor Mr. hm.

"How! I only showed you my hands hm!"

"Isn't it obvious? I payed attention to everything but your hands. I took your pride as a hitman and faced you straight on."

"Looks like Karma's growing huh." Nagisa said.

"Yes. He's grown way to much for just one loss. I'm sure your name will be known to everyone..." Koro-sensei muttered. 

"Thank you for giving me this chance to experience this fight. I hope-"

"What are you talking about?"


"The fun's just getting started!" Karma said taking a tube of mustered and wasabi out of his bag.

Everyone in the class sweat dropped while you sat along with Karma taking out the tools. He handed both tubes to you as he was taking everything else out.

"Karma hasn't grown at all huh sensei..."


"First, I'll put this on to keep your nostrils wide open. Then I'll also use this to make you gag later on. Oh! Can't forget about these ghost chili peppers. These make your tongue burn 10 times more!" Karma smiled with devil horns followed by you.

"(y/n), give me the wasabi and mustered."

"No I wanna do it." you complained.

"Fine, what about one tube for each of us."


Both of you placed a tube inside his nostril. "Ready, set, go!"


"Ouch. That looks painful." The class cringed in pain.

Uknown POV

"Sir I have the vaccine and more poison prepared." 

"Good girl. You could place it over their by the table."

"Hai." I placed the vaccine and poison down on the table as told, and went back to the man.

"Hey Okuda. Look. This is the one you like isn't it?" the man said pointing the red head coming from the screen.

"Yes. But he belongs to someone else already." I said sadly.

"Then, why don't we kill her?"


Unexpected Love Karma x readerWhere stories live. Discover now