~Chapter 1~

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All I could remember from my dream are these big, beautiful, emerald eyes paired by thick, dark eyelashes. I sat up in bed and looked at the clock; it read 5:30. Urgh, I might as well get up because I know I'm not going to get back to sleep.

I got out of bed and fumbled on my wall until I found the light switch. My room was flooded with blinding light; I covered my eyes at first. Then, I took my hand away to get my eyes adjusted to the light.

Once I got the light on, I grabbed my phone off the charger and put it on my turtle iHome. I scrolled through my music until I found You Me At Six. I pressed play and "Stay With Me" started playing. I love this song! I walked over to my closet and looked for an outfit for today. I ended up with light gray skinny jeans and cute, baggy, over the shoulder, purple shirt. I grabbed the clothes and went to the bathroom to shower. That didn't take very long.

After I got out of the shower, I dried and straightened my long, curly, strawberry blond hair. I added a sparkly white bow when I was done. I looked pretty decent today. I looked over at the clock and it said 6:50. I still had about an hour left before I had to leave for school. I grabbed my make up and five minutes later I had pretty purple makeup on surrounding my green eyes. I slipped on my black high-top converse and hopped down the stairs into the kitchen. My dad was in there making coffee and it was filling the entire house with the smell of it, which isn't my favorite smell in the world. I grabbed a bowl and the box of Lucky Charms and poured myself a bowl. Within five minutes it was gone and I was full. I put my bowl and spoon in the sink and got some orange juice. Yum, I love orange juice.

I glanced at the clock on the stove and saw that it was 7:20. I needed to leave soon. I ran upstairs and grabbed my bag and phone, fixed my hair a little bit, and spritzed myself with some perfume. I galloped down the stairs again and my dad laughed at me. He came over to me and gave me a hug and kiss on the head, "Have a good day at school Thalia."

"Okay, dad. Love you!"

"Love you too honey."

I yelled up the stairs to my mom and little sister, "Bye! I'm going to school! Love you!"

My mom appeared at the top of the steps and said "Have a good day honey, love you."

I waved goodbye to them and grabbed my keys to my gorgeous, purple, 1972 Chevrolet Nova. I got in, threw my bag in the passenger seat, and started up my baby. I backed out and drove to my friend Persephone. She's a year older than me, but I drive her to school.

Before I got her, I stopped by Starbucks and got us some drinks, not coffee, of course. I got to her house at around 7:45. I stopped in front of her house and honked my horn. She came running out with her bag and plopped into the passenger seat. I handed her her drink "Here ya go." She grabbed from with a happy smile on her face. On the way to school we talked about random stuff: her brothers and how they are annoying, but mostly music. I still haven't told her about my dream.

We got to the school at about 8:00. The first bell, telling us to go to class, rings at 8:20. We have some time to discuss that dream. We had finished our drinks by then, so we just threw them away inside. As soon as we walked in we were greeted with the wonderful sounds of high school: laughing and talking. Loud voices were mixed with soft voices. We made our way upstairs to our locker (we share a locker). We put our bags in there and grabbed our books. Then we walked to Yearbook; we have it together.

Okay, let me explain. Persephone is a junior and I am a sophomore. We have first period together out of seven classes. Persephone is my best friend. We have been friends for a good while. She is taller than me; everyone is taller than me. She has swishy, shoulder length, bleach blond hair with a black layer underneath. She has gorgeous, big, blue eyes. She is so pretty. I'm jealous of her.

So after we put our stuff in our first class, we went to the yard outside in the middle of the school where we can eat lunch. We spotted some of our other friends under our tree that we always sit under. As we were going over there, I stopped Persephone. She looked at me funny, but stayed silent. "Okay, so my dream last night. Was really strange. All I can remember are the gorgeous, emerald eyes with thick, dark eyelashes. It was really strange and it's had me thinking about it all morning."

She studied me for a minute then said "Maybe it's telling you something. Like you're going to meet a guy with those features. I don't really know."

"Maybe." I said while shrugging my shoulders and started walking again.

Once we got over to our tree, all our friends looked at us and smiled. Something is up. There is news that they are going to tell us. Britany stood up and said while grinning "We have a new kid. And might I add, he is very gorgeous. I saw him in the office and his eyes, oh my gosh! They are the most prettiest eyes ever!"

My eyes got wide and I looked at Persephone; she had smirk on her lips.


Edited by SharonReneSixx, go check her stories out! She's awesome! And a great writer! 

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