~Chapter 3~

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(A/N)           *Okay, so this is how a normal school day at this high school. We have first, second, third, fourth, then lunch, then fifth, sixth, and seventh periods. Yes, it does suck to have that many classes in one day but they are pretty short so it isn't that bad.*


So, it turns out that Austin and I have all our classes together that are before lunch. These classes are: Yearbook, Math, History, and Music. After fourth period I waved bye to Austin and went to my locker. Persephone was waiting for me, as usual, and she just grinned at me. "Guess what I just find out. You will find this extremely funny. But, yeah, whatever. But, guess," I said. She just looked at me.

"You and Austin so far have all your classes together?"

"N.. yeah, wait, how did you know?" I asked her with a puzzled look on my face. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Just a hunch."

"Mhmm, I'm sure that's what it is." I opened my locker and threw my stuff in.

Persephone and I made our way downstairs to the cafeteria to get our lunch. After we got our food we went over to our table under the tree in the yard. Britany, Anthoni, Jade, Michael, Jeremy, and Erik were all already sitting at the table eating their lunch. When Michael saw Persephone he got up, ran over to her, grabbed her tray, and gave her a kiss. Did I mention that her and Michael are together? Well, he's a sophomore like Jade and I. The rest of people at the table were juniors, except Britany, she is a senior. He set her tray down beside his. After she sat down, he sat back down and continued eating. Just as I sat down, I saw Austin walk through the doors that lead outside; he looked very lost. He stood there for a little while looking around to find somewhere to sit. I stood up getting some weird looks from my table "Austin! Hey!" I yelled at him while waving. He saw me and his face lit up into a smile. He started walking over to us and I sat down again.

I started eating my food again. I looked up and saw everyone was looking at me. "What?" I said with a mouth full of food. Just as Jade was about to say something, Austin gets to our table and takes the empty seat beside me.

"Thanks for letting me sit here Thalia," he said to me.

I swallowed hard "You're welcome." Jade cleared her throat getting my attention. She sligthly motioned to Austin with a 'explain please' expression on her face. "Okay, um, Austin. This is Jade, Britany, Michael, Anthoni, Jeremy, and Erik. Of course, you know Persephone," I said to him pointing to everyone.

"Hi Austin," they all said.

"Hey," he said with a small smile.

The rest of lunch was uneventful. After we all had finished eating and thrown our stuff away, some of us climbed up into the tree. The rest just sat at the base of it. We all talked and laughed. Austin even got included in it. He fits in well with us. That thought made me smile. Sure, I'd only known him for a day, but he's cool. I like him. I don't like him in the like like way though, just the friend like way. I enjoy the thought of making a new friend. I was sitting up in the tree with Persephone, Jade and Jeremy talking to them when the eyes popped back into my head. But this time, they felt like they were staring into my soul. I got a quick glance of dark brown hair just a little bit shorter than Austin's.

I gasped at this because I wasn't expecting it. I kind of lost my grip on the branch I was holding on to. I started to fall back a little bit, but Persephone and Jeremy saw me and grabbed ahold of me before I could fall. Everyone was looking at me with shock in their eyes. "Are you ok?" Persephone asked me as I hugged a thick branch in front of me.

"Yeah, I think I'm okay. Just shaken cause that was frigging scary," I said the last part with a chuckle and that loosened some of them up a little bit. I looked down at the people seated at the base of the tree. I saw that Austin was looking straight at me. I cracked a small smile and he smiled back. "Okay, I'm gonna get down and sit in the grass. Not very found of trees now," I said this and found a empty spot for me to jump down without jumping on someone.

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