~Chapter 5~

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*Andrew's POV*

The doctor wheeled me into the room and helped me up onto the bed. I laid back slowly and a moan of pain came out. He asked me what happened when we rolled into the room and I told him the real story. He handed me some pain pills and a paper-cup of water. I downed the water with the pills following close behind. I turned my head to see the doctor putting something into a IV and then he stuck the IV tube into my arm. I flinched at the slight pain. My head started to feel clouded. "I gave you something to help you go to sleep. You need it." "Hey, Doc. Give me a piece of paper and a pen." He nodded and grabbed some out of his jacket pocket. He pulled a tray out for me to write on and I started my note to Thalia.

After a couple minutes of writing and trying not to fall asleep I was finished. I folded it up and handed it to him, "Give this to the girl I'm here with." I said as I set my head back on the pillow. I closed my eyes and quickly was overwhelmed by darkness. I could faintly make out the cold, ER air hitting my torso as they removed my shirt to inspect my ribs. That's when everything went black and silent.

I woke to see a white ceiling in a room was filled with sterile smells. 'Where am I?' I questioned myself. Then it all came rushing back to me. I got hit by a girl, who's name I can't remember at the moment. And she brought me to ER to get me checked on. Guess they decided to keep me. I turned my head to look over at the person I could feel in the room and it was a man. With graying brown hair, glasses, and a white lab coat, writing stuff down on a clip board. Guess this was the doctor? "Ah, you're awake. That's good. You got quite an injury last night. You have three fractured ribs." He said calmly as I stared at him. That would explain the immense pain in my side. "Oh, the girl you were with. I gave her the note that you had for her. She came in just as you feel asleep. She looked really concerned when she came in." When he said that I instantly remembered the girl, Thalia. "Well, Mr. Matthews, you're free to go. You're mother is outside waiting for you. Take it easy for about a week. I prescribed some pain medication for you and you can pick it up on the way out." He said leaving the room.

I laid there, thinking about her. Thalia. She hit me with her car. I got hit with a car last night. She brought me here. I was brought back to reality when there was a soft knock on the door. I looked up to see my mother smiling at me with tears in her eyes. She ran over to me and engulfed me into a big hug. "When they called me last night saying you were in the hospital I was instantly worried. I'm so glad you're okay!" She exclaimed as she pulled away, wiping tears off her face. "Let's go home." She said happily, handing me my shoes and a shirt she pulled from her purse. I slipped both of them on and tried to get out of the bed but failed miserably. My mother saw me struggling and ran out of the room looking for a wheelchair I was guessing. She came back minutes later and rolled up to the bed. She helped me out of the bed and I stood there for a minute. I took a step forward and it wasn't so bad. I looked over at my worried mother. "I can walk fine, it's just getting up that's hard." She nodded her head and lead me to the counter where we could get my meds.

The ride back home was quite. I leaned my head on the window and watched the scenery outside the window rush by. When we got home it was three in the afternoon. I forgot to mention we left at like two. My father, well step-father, was in the kitchen cooking dinner. It smelt really good but I wasn't hungry at all. I just wanted to sleep. I grabbed my moms arm as she headed into the kitchen. "I really am not hungry. I'm just really tired. I'm gonna go to sleep." A look of understanding flashed through her eyes. "Okay honey. Sleep well." She kissed my hair and hugged me.

I struggled up the stairs because it was kinda hard going up them. Once I got to the top I was relieved. As I was about to head to my room I heard the faint sound of Sleepwalking by Bring Me The Horizon playing in my little brothers room. I walked over to his door and lightly tapped on it, letting him know it was me. I opened his door to see him laying on his bed, asleep. He looked upset in a way, he was frowning. He then took a deep intake of breath and shot straight up in bed. He frantically looked around and once his eyes laid on me he relaxed instantly. "Andrew! You're okay!" I chuckled lightly, "Eh, I wouldn't say okay. I'm alive but banged up." Motioning to my ribs. "Dude, what happened?" He said, swinging his legs off the bed. "I got hit by a car, I wasn't paying attention. Neither was she. She didn't hit me that hard. Destroyed my dinner, but that's about it. She was going to bring me home but instead took me to the ER. Wouldn't take me home until I got checked out." I said leaning up against the door jam. "Whoa." Was all he said while staring at me with large eyes. "Yeah, crazy. I'm still trying let it settle in that it was real. It was defiantly real." I said, rubbing my side softly. "Well, I'm crazy tired. I'm going to sleep." I said pushing off the door jam and slowly walking to my room. "Night Andrew." My brother called to me, "Night Austin." And I closed my door.

I slowly lowered myself onto my bed and closed my eyes. Man. I was tired. Sleep took over and I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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