~Chapter 7~

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*Austin's POV* 

When my mom told me that Andrew had got hit and was in the hospital I got very upset. I'm really close to my older brother. I talk to him about everything and when I'm upset he's there for me to get through it.  And also considering the fact that we aren't that far apart in age probably helps too. He's 18 and I'm 16. 

I really didn't want to go to school today but my mom and step-dad are making me considering yesterday was my first official day of school, I really didn't want to but I guess I was just going to have to suck it up and get on with it.

I was heading to Yearbook when I saw Thalia with Persephone about to go in. She looked up at me and I smiled as I made my way to her. She waved at me and they moved out of the way as they waited for me. When I got to them I was greeted with a "Hey Austin." by Thalia. "Hey Thalia. How are you?" I asked her as we go into our seats. She looked back at me and I saw her expression change. "'That'd be more of a question for me to ask you. Are you okay?" She asked me as I ran a hand through my hair. I guess I should tell her. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just my older brother got hurt last night. He got hit by a car." I said quietly, looking down. I sat there trying not to get too upset. I feel a little bit better now that I told someone. 

I was surprised by a hug from Thalia and Persephone. "I'm sorry. I'm sure he'll be fine. If you ever want to talk about that or anything else we'll be here for you." Thalia told me as she pulled away. I smiled a little, "Thanks guys. That means a lot. Really, it does." They smiled back at me. 

The rest of the day was boring for me and I was just ready to go home. It went by really fast. Before I knew it the last bell of the day had rung and it was time to go home. I walked to my locker and grabbed my bag and went outside. I waited for my step-dad for about 5 minutes before he showed up. I got into his car and the ride home was silent as usual, I don't really care for my step-dad. 

When I got home my mom was gone and I went straight upstairs to my room. After I dropped my bag down on the floor I went into my brothers room and grabbed his new Sempiternal CD. I plucked it out of the case and popped into my CD player, hitting play and repeat all I laid down on my bed. I was on my back and I felt my eyelids getting heavy. I let the sleep take over.

I heard a faint knock and I couldn't really tell if it was in my head or it was really happening. I could feel my face pulled into a frown. Then I fell. I shot straight up out of bed with a deep intake of breath. I looked frantically around and I saw someone. My brother standing in the door way. Once I saw him I relaxed instantly seeing he was okay and alive. "Andrew! You're okay!" I exclaimed to him as he chuckled at me. "Eh, I wouldn't say okay. I'm alive but banged up." He said motioning to his right side. I swung my legs off my bed, "Dude, what happened?" I asked him curiously. "I got hit by a car, I wasn't paying attention. Neither was she. She didn't hit me that hard. Destroyed my dinner, but that's about it. She was going to bring me home but instead took me to the ER. Wouldn't take me home until I got checked out." He told me casually, leaning up against the door jam. "Whoa." was all I could manage to say. "Yeah, crazy. I'm still trying to let it settle in that it was real. It was defiantly real." He said, rubbing his side lightly. "Well, I'm crazy tired. I'm going to sleep." He said pushing off the door jam and slowly going to his room. "Night Andrew." I called to him from my bed. "Night Austin." I heard him say as his door clicked closed.

He was okay, I'm so glad that he's okay. I laid back down because I was still really tired. I can actually sleep good tonight knowing he's okay. I'll ask him more about it later when he's not in as much pain and when I'm not as tired. I let my eyelids close and instantly was taken over by sleep. 

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