Bravo Team

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"Bravo team this is... K Dog...returning to base with a lost bird in tow." Kota says into the short wave radio as we pull onto the road. He rolls his eyes when he says 'k Dog'. That must be code. And Kota doesn't like it. Does this make me the lost bird? "Remain on task unless otherwise requested. Team meeting tomorrow at 0600 to discuss." He pauses glancing over at me with his friendly smile in place. "G Dog..." Again Kota rolls his eyes. I can't help but giggle softly. The code names are funny. "lost bird is going to need some new feathers. Please have them brought to base ASAP."

" Shit yeah! Finally!" I hear someone cheer in response once Kota's released the button and the replies can come in. "How big is this bird? What color is the birds....fur...fucking what color is her hair? Skin tone? Fuck, maybe I should meet her and then get the feathers."

"Not exactly shopping anymore G Dog." Another voice cuts in full of amusement.

"Just one or two warm pieces for now. You can meet the bird tomorrow when everyone else does. I'm not as good as you, but I'd say she's a petite small." Kota says looking to me for confirmation. I shrug not knowing if that true or not. I haven't gotten new clothes in years. Kota looks less than amused at my shrug.

"And..." G Dog is sounding impatient.

"She's got red hair, porcelain but freckled skin, and the most beautiful forest green eyes." My breath catches and I have to look away unsure what to say in reply to his compliment. I find it beyond sweet that he is so free with his compliments. In just a short period of time he's given me so many.

"I can definitely work with that! Victor and I will be there at 0600. And the feathers will be there tonight." G Dog replies obviously excited.

"The rest of you report." Kota orders into the radio.

I cannot contain the questions anymore "How many are there?"

Kota holds up two fingers then raises another for each person that reports in.

"N Dog and S Dog will be there." The responder sounds just as fond of the code names as Kota. Four fingers are up.

Two more go up with the next response. "Count L Dog and I in."

"Dr. Dog will be present."

"I, Mr. Dog, will also attend"

"I think these horrible fucking nicknames should be the first order of business." I barely hear the last response through my laughter. The nicknames seemed to have gotten better the more the guys reported in. Dr and Mr. Dog just sounds so funny. In my head I'm picturing Max with a stethoscope around its neck in a white coat speaking into the radio.

I'm still laughing when Kota talks into the radio again, a little laughter in his voice as well. "Anyone have anything else to report?"

They all report in the negative so Kota 'signs off'. As he does I start to pay attention to our surroundings. I wonder about the 8 other guys in his group but it's hard to come to any conclusions with the little information I have. I can only hope they're like Kota and not like the evil people my parents claim everyone to be.

It's not long before we're away from the little bit of the town I've seen and driving passed the new. I try to read all the store names and peek through the store front windows to see what treasures they have inside. "Kota where are we going?" I ask him not looking away from the window.

"It's a house in the country a bit out of town." I nod distracted from thinking too hard on his answer.

"What's that?" I ask him pointing passed the trashy streets and what looks like abandon buildings.

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