Chapter 3: Law's Birthday

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Ok guys, I know that Law's birthday was a couple days ago and it's a bit late but who cares. Here is chapter three!

I had a nightmare once again about my dark past. How everyone chased after me trying to kill me when I was only a little child, how I couldn't sleep in peace at night beacause I was traumatized. How they killed...
Then, someone started nudging me lightly. I groaned, turned the other way and pulled the covers over my head. I didn't open my eyes but my instincts told me that it was still early in the morning, and me well, I'm not a morning person, I'm more of a waking-up-at-1-pm-person.
"Please go away..." I whispered
"But ______" he whined "We need your help!" I immediately recognised the voice that belonged to my fluffy furry friend, Bepo. I stayed there for a minute and then slowly opened one eye to see that he wasn't the only one in the room, Penguin and Shachi were here too.
"What do you guys want, it's too early for me to be moving"
"Well, you see it's Captain's birthday today" this caught my attention, "And we wanted to make him a cake and we thought that you could help us"
"What made you think that I'm good at cooking?"
"You just look like that kind of person." Said Shachi.
"But I don't want to, I'll do it later when I'm not so tired" I mumbled under the covers.
"We have to do it now!"
"But why?!" I kept whining
"I don't know..."
"Ugh! You guys, just let me sleep a little longer"
"We're not going leave you alone until you help us bake that cake!"
"Ok, ok. If you insist I'll help you"
"Yay!" They cheered, I dragged myself out of bed and we made our way to the kitchen.
"Wait a second!" I said as the thought cliked in my mind "Didn't you say that Law doesn't like any type of bread?"
"Ah, you see strawberry cheesecake is an exception" Penguin pointed out "He absolutely adores strawberry cheesecake"
"I do as well, is my favourite!" I said my mouth watering.
"You two have a lot in common..." said Penguin.
"I guess so,"
"You don't have to hide it ______" spoke Shachi "We know that you have feelings for the Captain"
"Yeah I know" I said not paying attention to what they said... "wait, WHAT?!?! No I don't!"
"Yes you do, it's easy to tell."
"But Captain is too stupid to tell" Added Penguin
"Whatever" I said anger showing in my voice
"We did see what happened last night between the two of you" I blushed fifty different shades of red and pink as the memory came back to me.
"I never knew that our Captain could be so romantic"
"S-s-shut u-up"
"Hey ______, Do you know how to bake a cake?" Asked Bepo, I thanked God that Bepo changed the subject.
"Like hell I do, I can bake the best ones!"
"Then what would you like us to do?"
"Bring me the ingredients and it will be done in a flash" I said washing my hands. They began giving me everything I needed and after half an hour, which wasn't much of a flash, the main things were done. The only thing left to do now is decorating it. I took the can of whipped cream and sprayed little mountains around the top of the cake. Then, I carefully placed the strawberries and candle, the cake was finally done! I made my way to the fridge to keep it safe. And when I looked behind me I saw Shachi and Penguin playing around with the whipped cream, they both had a can each and they were getting it everywhere. Some of it went right into my face, they looked at me with frightened faces as an evil aura surrounded me. But then I took the spare whipped cream can, sprayed a big mountain on my left hand and made my way to them. Penguin and Shachi were so scared they were petrified, I faced Shachi, who was responsible for getting me dirty and put my left hand straight onto his face. Bepo (who was sitting on a stool watching the scene) and Penguin, were laughing their heads off at Shachi's face, he was covered in cream! I soon joined them, laughter filled the room as I smirked proudly but it didn't last long because Penguin was brave enough to splat me with cream. And that was the declaration of an all out war! We were messing around and causing a racket for about ten minutes when Penguin's can ran out. I smiled evilly and so did Shachi but his evil smirk didn't last long when he realised that his can was also empty, they cowardly ran to the corner as my grin grew bigger by the second. They hugged each other in fear like their life depended on it.
"This is payback for waking me up so early"
I came closer
And the door smashed open...
'Oh God' I tought to myself, I looked behind me and just like I suspected, the slim raven haired man was standing in the doorway. Yes, it was Law. His eyes were widened at the image of the room. The floor was covered in flour, the walls were smeared with the whipped cream and we also somehow managed to get it on the ceiling. 'That's not good' I thought and looked up, and right where Law was standing there was dripping cream that fell on his face. We started to panic when he looked our way, I felt the dark aura around him. His stare felt like daggers digging into me, he was soooo angry.
"What's all this?" He said calming down. Shachi and Penguin looked my way as if they were expecting me to talk. I gulped trying to swallow the lump in the back of my throat, I started sweating nervously and opened my mouth to speak,
"I...We...Uhm..." is all I managed but then Bepo spoke up,
"Look Captain! We made a cake just for you to celebrate your birthday!" He said closing the fridge behind him, he placed it in front of him, arms stretched out and a blush presented under his white fur.
"You guys didn't have to this..." he said looking at the cake with desparate eyes, I could tell that he just wanted to shove the cake in his mouth but he didn't want to show it.
"Happy birthday Law/Captain!" We screamed trying to take his mind off the mess we did and failed.
"Don't think that you're off the hook just because you made me this!" We sat around the table, I pulled a kitchen knife out to cut the cake up and I carefully placed the pieces on the plate. Law almost instantly stuffed his mouth and said "This is so delicious!"
"Glad you like it" I said putting some in my mouth.
"Wait. Was it you who made it?"
"Why do you look so surprised?"
"You just don't look like the kind of person that can cook,"
"Well, your crew here were thinking the right opposite."
"I tought you were one of those people that somehow manage to set everything on fire"
"That happens from time to time..."
"Enough with the chitchat!" Said Shachi clapping his hands together. "We've got a party to get started!"

《《《《《《 Time Skip 》》》》》》

By now everyone was worn out of partying, I met the rest of the Heart Pirates and they treated me like I was part of their own crew, it's been a good day. Everyone was drunk except me and Law, we had our drinks but that wasn't enough to get us drunk.
"They sure know how to throw a party" I said as remaining crew members walked inside to their rooms
"You see, it doesn't happen very often"
"I should get going as well" I said standing up, I started walking but stopped realising that I still didn't know wich way to go.
"Do want me to show you the way?" Said Law standing next to me
"Thanks," I replied
"You should know how to get there by now, or are you just trying to spend time with me?" He gave me a smirk
"Huh? Why would I want to spend time with you?" I scoffed, after that we walked silently, not an awkward silence but a comfortable one. I crossed my hands over my bare arms giving out an involuntary shiver. Law raised one eyebrow and looked down at me noticing that I was cold, then he stopped. I paused in front of him giving him a questioning look to why he had stopped. He grabbed the bottom of his hoodie and pulled it off showing his abs. Oh. My. God. Too much take in at once. He has such a nice body... Unfortunately, he had a shirt underneath. 'That aside, what is he doing?' I thought as he choved the hoodie on my head.
"Put it on" he said coldly. I did as told and quickly put it on, it was so warm, I then realised that he must of noticed me shivering.
"Thanks" i mumbled quietly. We were in front of the room I was staying, I opened the door but didn't go in, instead I made my way up to him, said "Happy Birthday Law", went on my tiptoes, kissed his cheek and quickly went inside my room shutting the door behind me. I sat against the door thinking to myself why the hell I did that! But what I didn't know is that Law was left surprised, he stood there looking at the door with red all over his gorgeous face.
"I was never expecting that...," he said to himself "But that's the best birthday gift I've ever had..."
There it is my lovelies! Another chapter just for you guys. I really enjoyed writing this! I hope you enjoyed reading it. Stay tuned for the next part to the story!

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