Chapter 17: Surprise

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"You mean you didn't even bother to like, tell me?!" I screeched grabbing Law's shirt as I sat on top him, shaking his shoulders like crazy.
"I bothered to tell you now, so..." he huffed
"You have to be, like, the best person when it comes to 'women'. But you're not so good with like, little children!"
"What are you ... a teenage gossip high school girl?" Grumbled Law
"Now that you mention it I have been saying 'like' alot" I paused then narrowed my eyes at him "You're trying to avoid the topic, aren't you?" I accused, stabbing my finger on his forehead. He grabbed my hand away from him and gave me a ridiculously serious look "Yes, that is what I'm trying to do exactly"
"Too bad because there is no avoiding it"
"There's no reason to make such a fuss over-"
"Shush, I didn't ask for your opinion and I don't want to hear it, since you know nothing about children"
"Oh so I'm not aloud to talk unless you say so?"
"Well, y-" I placed my hand on his neck and shut him up by giving him a sweet kiss. He placed his hand on my cheek, deepening it but seconds later I ended it suddenly. Only being an inch away I whispered
"Shush or I'll have no choice that to kiss you again"
"That would only keep me talking"
"Just answer my question" I sighed getting comfortable on him.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Like I said before, it was too troublesome"
"Why did she tell you and not me?"
"I don't know ... Maybe she likes me better than you" he challenged.
"Right" I said laughing sarcastically and kept talking "Candice is away from her dad on this special day, which means we'll have to give her the best time of her life!"
"Why?" He asked
"Because it's her birthday!"
"But why?"
"Because she was born on this day..."
"I didn't mean that, I mean why do you feel the need to celebrate her birthday?"
"Same reason that we celebrate your birthday and everyone else's"
"And what is that reason?"
"To celebrate the day she was born"
"I still don't get it, it's a waste of time" He sighed. I put my head on the crook of his neck "You're so hopeless" I mumbled fake crying dramatically while banging my fist on his chest.
"Please stop, it isn't very pleasant, specially since you're so strong"
"You're telling me that a big tough guy like you can't handle a little punch?"
"A little? The other day you somehow managed to punch a hole through the solid metal wall when you thought there was a bug on it"
"Heh heh heh" I laughed awkwardly but then paused, again "Wait a minute! You were changing the conversation again!"
"Yes I was"
"Well anyways, when I actually have the energy to get out of bed we'll set a surprise party up"
"Do I get a choice?" He said under his breath
"Oh by the way when we get to the next island, we have to change the gold into cash. I'll take some of that money to buy Candice a present" I said thinking of what to buy her
"About that..." He trailed off
"Here we go, what happened?" I said a bit of anxiety got to my voice
"Shachi and Penguin lost it" I looked at him in disbelief
"You're saying" I spoke poking his chest, then started to trace little invisible circles "That they lost a massive mountain of my gold?"
"Oh" I said simply.
"You're not reacting the way I predicted you would" Law said looking down at me.
"Have you ever gotten sooooo angry that you just feel nothing"
"Welcome to my world"
"But how did they manage to lose it?" I calmly said
"I don't know, it just ... disappeared according to them"
"We would be going back to that Island if it wasn't for Candice ... And for that reason I think I'll be punishing them" I said rubbing my hands together when I sat up straight. He did the same and spark of mischievousness lit up in Law's eyes as I said the word punishment.
"That means you too, Mr." I smirked pushing him back on the bed, he cocked an eyebrow up suspicious of what I would do "I'm joking, we don't have any time for that" I said rolling off the disappointed looking Law "But I am making them two do all the work"
"They're probably still sleeping since it's really early"
"I don't care. Anyway, Candice went to sleep 2am, she was being an idiot and wouldn't go to sleep, so she'll wake up in three hours. You know that she only sleeps a certain amount of time. 10 hours not a second later, not a second earlier."
"Yeah, yeah"
"Come on, my sweet little peach" I said grabbing his hand and dragging him to Penguin and Shachi's room
"Peach?" He laughed to himself
"Oh, do you not like what I call you?"
"No, I wa-" I didn't let him finish the sentence
"Do you rather have me saying 'my cabbage' like they say in French, or maybe I'll call you 'my flea' like they also say in French"
"'My sweet little peach' is just fine"
"That's what I thought"
"Why are you guys bickering so early in the morning?" My eye twitched at Penguin's voice who spoke between his yawn. Shachi was right next to him stretching his arms up high, then lowering them to scratch his belly. I stoped walking and slowly turned my head towards the duo, a dark aura was present and they knew that it wasn't the time for jokes.
"We are soooo sorry, for whatever we have done" they chanted at the same time.
"You're telling me that you've forgotten about your sins?"
"We are so very sorry!!!"
"You're telling me that you've forgotten about what you've lost?!" At that moment I was ready to let all my anger out at once. I let go of Law's hand and slowly began walking to them.
"Please have mercy on us!!!"
"You're telling me that you've completely forgotten about my half a billion berries that you lost?!?!"
"Oh. That" They gulped as they're legs started shaking "Please forgive us! We'll do anything!"
"I DON'T CARE! ANYTHING YOU DO WILL NOT BRING MY MONEY BACK. UNLESS YOU HAVE HALF A BILLION BERRIES HIDING SOMEWHERE IN YOUR POCKET" I yelled grabbing them by the neck and onto the floor. After a few minutes of torturing, I set them free. Well, they had passed out when I got a bit carried away
"Are you satisfied now?" Said Law, who had witnessed all this.

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