Chapter 15: Good night

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"What the hell?" I said.
We walked around the ghost town which was occupied by nothing but silence and darkness. A black thundering cloud hovered over the sky as it rained heavily. I didn't realise back then but it wasn't raining while we were out and about in the forest; according to Candice it only rains in the town. You take one step into the town and you'll instantly get soaked, it's as if the dark cloud only rains in a certain area. We kept creeping along the excessively muddy path in complete silence as we took in our surroundings. The little brunette girl guided us to where her house is supposedly at, not bothered in the slightest by the rain that fell heavier by the second, but she did look rather concerned about something else. Law slapped me soflty with a newspaper to get my attention. I looked at it and then up at him, giving him a questioning look
"Read it" He stated blankly as I cocked an eyebrow up "Come on then, read it out loud"
My eyes cautiously scanned the paper, "Today, like every five years, the habitants of 'Rain Island' have all been evacuated to a secure place. Since this famous island will be submerged completely at any time today for 1 full week. They have been moved onto the next island on the log pose which is unfortunately three days away... Seems like you'll have to wait a bit more to see your dad again..." I said looking down at the disappointed girl "Don't worry, we'll get you there as quick as a bunny"
"Thanks mommy!" She chimed
"Before we go, let's get some clothes from your house so we can change you up a bit"
"Alright!" She said excitedly
"But can't the island submerge any minute now?" Questioned Shachi
"I can tell that it'll go under water in four hours twenty four minutes and seven seconds"
"Oh, I'm guessing by your devil fruit?"
"Yes" I responded and took Candice's hand "We are going to her house for a couple minutes, you boys should go on without us. I'm also taking Candice's money because I can't trust you whith it"
"Right, be careful and don't take too long" Said Law heading the other way.
"Bye daddy!" Shouted Candice, he didn't turn around neither did he say a thing but he did give the girl a little wave, tilting his head slightly so his smirk was just about visible.
"I think he's starting to like you" I said looking down at her as she cracked a smile.
"Yeah! I guess even grumpy old cows like him can smile once in a while" I giggled at her remark, hearing a "Tsk" from Law.

We took our time strolling around to the petite girl's house while she talked about how joyful and spectacular this island looks when everyone is around. She says that even in such stormy weather the children come out and play on the mud. Candice suddenly stopped in front of a small cottage. Although it's small, it has to be the most beautiful house on this island. The outside walls were decorated with gorgeous wild flowers that grew here and there, blood red roses arched around the front door. Other types of flowers, like lilies, doffodils, marigolds, irises and lots and lots of violets grew around the house along with tangerine and apple trees. The girl entered through the big wooden door and I followed behind still admiring the little cottage.
"This is my house" she spoke
"Wow, it really is a cosy place you've got" I smiled
"Look, I'll show you to my room!" She guided me up the stairs, dragging me from my hand onto the second floor, to find three open doors. One led to a bathroom, the other was a small free room and the last one was a slightly bigger room. We walked into the free room as Candice began talking,
"This is the room where we keep our clothes and things"
"I would of thought you had your own room since there's a spare one" I wondered
"I'm j-just scared of sleeping alone" She mumbled shyly twiddling her thumbs around like she always did "But I have my tiger and sometimes I can sleep alone with him"
"Aww ~ you're so cute" I squealed pulling on her cheeks. We continued taking necessary things for her to get through the time she'll be spending in the submarine.
"On our way back to the ship, I'll get you some new clothes, ok?" I suggested
"But the shops are closed" She said puzzled
"We'll just leave some bags of gold coins on the counter, I think that will be enough for what we take"
"I haven't gone shopping with someone since mommy was around, and because my daddy doesn't have a good sense of style" she giggled "I usually have to pick my clothes"
"Well, from the little things you have I can tell that you have a good sense of fashion" I looked down at her "I'm guessing your mom did as well"
"Yeah, me and her loved to go shopping together"
"My mom loved to shop with me too" I smiled at the memory. Even though it was a long time ago, I can still remember it clearly. We would spend hours and hours walking around town in any type of weather, buying everything we fancied, and when we finally went back home dad would scowl at us for spending too much time outside without him...
"Well, now that we have some things, we can go shopping"
We were now back on the submarine getting ready for bed. We had spent four hours picking out different types of clothing for Candice, she also picked some for me and I have to be she has to be the biggest fashion lover out there. Even for something as unimportant as her pijamas, she had to pick something stylish. I was enjoying myself so much that I lost track of time, causing us to almost end up in the submersion of the island. I giggled as she told me a story about her friends, at the same time I finished doing her chocolate brown hair into a side braid.
"It's time for you to go to sleep" I said clapping my hands together
"Awww" she started to protest
"You have to get your good night's sleep"
"What about you then?"
"Because I'm a grown up I can sleep I bit later. Here, I also washed your tiger" I handed her the little black and white striped tiger that was once stained with brown blotches.
"Thanks mommy, now I can sleep!"
"Well have a good night" I grinned and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She smiled, fluttered her eyes close and in an instant was asleep.

I made my way to deck to get a midnight breeze. Yes, it is midnight, I guess going to sleep at midnight isn't the best for a five year old but she just wouldn't stop running around. I passed Law's room wondering if he was awake. I pressed my ear against the door trying to find any sign of noise, but it flung open.
"______-ya" he gave me that look, the disapproving look that a mother would give to her 10 year old child.
"I was sleeping when I needed to go to the toilet, came pass here and just wondered if you were awake" I tried to avoid the fact that I wasn't sleeping, don't know why but he's always nagging me to get my right amount of sleep.
"See, this is why you don't want to wake up in the morning. I know you weren't sleeping because I could hear you and the little bratt running and shouting around"
"I'm sorry for not being able to sleep" I crossed my arms and stuck my nose up
"You know, it's said that going to bed with someone helps, with people that have difficulties sleeping"
"You're right! It did help when I slept with Candice yesterday"
"Well your trying it with me today" he smirked dragging me inside his room.
"You're very sneaky" I giggled
"Can't help it when it's you" I pushed him onto to the bed as I jumped on top. I snuggled my head down on his neck and inhaled his sweet aroma. He gave me a small smile and placed one hand on my back, the other he tangled around my (h/c) hair and played with it. Even though we've been through quite a bit, situations like these always make me blush. This also reminds me of that one time where he read a story to me because I couldn't sleep. Back then I never imagined that I was going to end up with him. My train of thoughts were brutally stopped when the air was literally knocked out of me, this was caused by a weight suddenly jumping on me. But then again Law looked like he was in worse pain, I'm guessing that so much weight on that certain manly spot would really hurt.
"Mommy! Daddy! I want to sleep with you too!!!" Groaned a little squeaky voice.
"G-get offffff" Law gasped out.
"Sorry..." she pouted and rolled off, me following right behind. Now, Candice was to my left and law to my right.
"Are you trying to kill me?!"
"Be quiet daddy" she glared "You stole mommy from me!"
"She was never yours to begin with, infact she was mine and then you stole her from me"
"Girls, girls, calm down and sorry to break it to you but I belong to none other than myself"
"Anyway, go back to your room" as he spat those words out, he wrapped an arm and a leg around me and pushed me against his chest, protective mode turned straight on.
"Awww" she pouted once again "Mommy, can I pwease sleep here"
"Yeah, of course you can"
"No she cannot" he protested.
"Law, you get two choices. We either all sleep here like it is right now or me and Candice leave and you stay here all by yourself"
"Ok, ok you win" he huffed in defeat.
"Yay!!!" Cheered the little brunette,  jumping under the covers "Good night mommy"
"Good night, sweet heart" I whispered hugging her the same way that Law was hugging me.
"Good night grumpy daddy"
"..." I elbowed him when he didn't respond, accomplishing a little scoff "...Good night.." I the gave the little girl a kiss on the cheek. Law followed my actions and did the same but to me. I smiled as I fell into a deap slumber.
Me: Zzzzzzzzzzzz
Law: You've gotten out of the habit of updating twice a week
Me: Zzzzzz
Law: Infact you update like once a month and I think is because you're sleeping too much lately
Me: Zzzzzzzzzzzz
Law: ...
Me: Zzzzzzz
Me: Zzz
Law: There's no saving her, then I'll be saying it, squid-chan will update as soon as she can. Hope you're enjoying the story and thanks for all the support... I wonder how many times she's used the word sleep in this chapter.

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