Chapter 19: That's the wrong way!

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Running once again, away from the marines crying lightly at the same time. But this time, they were joyful tears because I was glad that Candy was finally with her dad. I gave a last wave until she was out of my sight.
"Are you crying?" Asked Law with a smile tugging at his lips.
"No! I'm just so hungry that my eyes are watering!" I argued, at that moment a set of double doors caught my attention and on them were the words 'Dining Hall' so I pushed Law through them. After we were inside the marines ran straight pass and didn't notice us at all. But then, I looked at my surroundings. A room full of more marines who had all stopped eating to stare at us.
"Good afternoon soldiers" I said saluting, hoping they haven't heard the news about us. As Law did the same, the marines in the room greeted back without a worry in the world.
"We should get going, come on" He said grabbing my hand and walking towards the exit. But I didn't move an inch. My eyes had locked with a beauty. So beautiful that I couldn't even keep my mouth shut. How could such astonishing beauty be in one place? My mouth now started to drool, I let go of his hand to wipe the saliva away as I made my way closer and slowly to the heavenly image. I kept my eyes still
"You my friend, are so gorgeous" I whispered. Law looked at me from behind and all he did was roll his eyes. "You're so irresistibly good-looking, just makes me want to jump at you and eat you whole!"
A large long table, that stretched all the way to the end of the dinning hall - with a wide range of different types of foods. This is definitely heaven.
"Lawwwwwww~" I purred his name out, quietly enough so the Marines didn't hear "I think we're gonna stay here a bit longer~" I finished saying while licking my lips. I took meat, I took sandwiches; I took cakes, I took fruits. I took anything and everything that came into my sight.
"I guess that ... it wouldn't wouldn't hurt to have some food" The doctor said under his breath, taking some onigiri.
Law rose from his seat slowly, with a blank expression on his face. While I, on the other hand, kept shoving food into my mouth at the same time observing what the soldiers did.
"This is our queue to leave" He declared
"But LAW! I want to stay" I pouted sadly
"Look, I promise that when we get back to the ship, Shachi and Penguin will make you a massive meal"
"Then it's a deal!" I exclaimed still taking food "Lets make a run for it!"
I started looking at the map to find the quickest way to the North shore "Oh great! I have an idea! There are two different exits that lead to the North Port, we can each take one to confuse the marines"
"Are you sure about this? Doesn't seem like a good idea to me..." Mumbled Law
"Trust me on this!" I thrilled
"Fine, if you say so - but don't ask for help later"
"I wouldn't need to; I know that you would help me even if I didn't ask"
"Well, let's meet up on the ship then!" I remarked cheerfully
"Be careful" He warned. I just gave him a wink of reassurance.
I sped through the corridors with a couple marines chasing me, they had all mainly gone after Law. But there was only one problem, I've been in this maze for at least 20 minutes and I had: the shorter route and the map. Should of made it out of here 10 minutes ago. I dashed up a familiar set of stair cases and bolted towards the stairs that went back down. But while I made my way through this specific corridor I noticed, Candy? Youko, who was next to her, seemed to be trying to tell me something as well.
"That's the wrong way!!!" I was finally able to hear. He probably doesn't know about this second exit, meh.
"Don't worry about it! I know where I'm going!" I grinned facing them and managing to run backwards. Not the best idea. I tripped over my own feet and tumbled down the stairs. I placed my hands in front of me to avoid face planting the floor, and when I made contact with the ground I somehow hit my head causing an immense wave of pain. For a couple of moments a just laid on my back, hands up on my forehead. Now that's definitely going to leave a bruise.
Click Click
And pause.
I suddenly felt a huge weight on me.
And a couple more.
I didn't even have time to open my eyes, because my mind went blank.
A light breeze brushed my cheek and my body rocked from side to side, as the slight gestures managed to wake me up. I opened my eyes to the unfamiliar surrounding, to find myself with nothing but darkness. My eyes adjusted to the lack of light so I could at least analyse what was going on. Telling from the slight rocking I'm definitely on a boat, and if I'm remember correctly it means that I'm ... captured by the marines.
I easily undid the shackles, those sailors were careless enough to put normal ones. Same goes for the jail, not seaprism. How naive can someone get?
I walked as quietly as possible, after all, I didn't want any unnecessary attention. I went on search of my missing swords, I couldn't go anywhere without them.
Thirty minutes later and still no clue where they were, now that I think about it a lot of time must of went by since I passed out ... meaning that Law ...
I can already see him scolding me. I better take over this ship before he finds me, I don't want him getting the idea that he saved me. That would not only make me feel weak, but also make me look that way, and that's the last thing I want. So I decided to take a marine hostage and make him tell me where they hid my swords. Then I would take out marines one by one, silently just like an assassin. And to accomplish that, I firstly had to find someone. I've been aimlessly walking for forty minutes and still haven't encountered a single soul. I figured that they would all be on deck, so my plan of taking them out one by one was pointless.
Before I got to deck, I came across a weapons room.
"Better safe than sorry" I spoke to myself.
I took two shotguns and strapped them one on each side of my waist, grabbed a massive type machine gun and placed it over my shoulder and took some spare bullet belts. Now all I need is some paint to put on my face, and I'll look just like those badass people in movies. Shame there wasn't any. I was now ready to take control of this ship.
I stormed up the stairs, hearing the sound of water drops hitting against the floor boards and the voices that belonged to the marines as they sang along to some useless sailor song.
"This is the day, my friends! Thanks to that hot chick, we all finally get promoted! Kehaha!"
"You seem pretty fond of that girl, Captain... Should I bring her up here and make her dance for us?"
"That's a wonderful idea! Kehahaha!"
At that moment, I just kicked the door open, took the shotgun with my free hand and shot a few bullets into the air, making everyone grow silent.
"Listen up, you freeloaders! I don't have a bounty because I go around belly dancing! What made you think I was going to dance for a bunch of idiots like you? If I were to dance for anyone, it would be for Trafalgar Law! (Although that would be a bit awkward) You got that?!?!?!"
They all just stared at me as if I was crazy. Then without warning I started shooting again, this time at their feet, they would be immobilized and eventually pass out because of the pain. Not even the captain was worth the effort but before he passed out I spoke up
"Would you mind telling me where my swords are?" He raised his gaze up to me and gave me a challenging smirk
"Only if you strip for me first"
"Aha, real funny. Now tell me, before I shoot your head off" His smirk just grew wider as I raised my eyebrow in question. He grabbed my shirt by the collar and pulled down with all his might causing it to rip open along with my bra.
"You perverts don't give up, do you?!" I shouted kicking him away from me, leaving him unconscious. "Sigh"
I grabbed the teared white shirt and out of the remaining shreds, something to cover myself. I made it go around my back and then tied the two lose ends together at the front of my chest with a little bow. Very revealing, but I would have to deal with it for the time being. I sat on some steps and found out that my swords were just left there, on the side. These guys were very very careless.
Now I would just have to wait for my Prince charming to rescue me, I thought sarcastically. I bet Law will get super angry with m-
My thoughts were stopped brutally by the sound of a gunshot. I swiftly made a water barrier but the bullets just zoomed past and the pain rushed through my leg and my arm.
"Are you kidding me?!?!?! You don't have seaprism chains, you don't have seaprism jail, but you have seaprism bullets?!?!?!" I hissed at the pain, as I saw the guy who fired trying to shoot again but he didn't have the energy to move anymore. I watched as blood poured out of me. This seemed all to familiar.
"There's a ship at 3 o'clock!!!"
And for the second time today I fell into a deep slumber.
I woke from my sleep but I just laid there with my eyes shut. I knew where I was, because I could hear the voices of Bepo, Shachi and Penguin. But I knew that Law was also there, even if he wasn't speaking, I could just tell. He'll probably be like "I told you this was a bad idea" or "I told you to be careful". So I wearily opened my eyes and slowly sat up straight. I could already see Law who had walked over to me and was now looking down. I sighed and looked at his eyes which were shadowed by his raven hair. I had no clue on what he was doing, but he sat down on the edge of my bed looked at me straight in the eyes and hugged me. How good it felt to be in his embrace. He dug his face in the crook of my neck and took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry...." Were the only words he said, which left me with a questioning look. Why was he apologising? And after a couple seconds he spoke again "I was careless, I should have never left your side. Because of my foolishness, you got hurt"
"Please don't say that, you're saying it as if it was your fault. I'm sorry that I made you worry but I'm fine now, so don't put that face on. I rather much look at that cocky smile of yours"
There was a pause and the atmosphere  in the room was still. Then Law gave out a heavy sigh and spoke up.
"...If you say so..." He let go of me, gave me a soft smile and asked teasingly "Then will you like to explain what you're wearing?"
I giggled and was going to respond when Bepo, who was watching all this along with Shachi and Penguin, answered before me.
"We're glad that ______ is doing good now! You slept for 3 whole days!!!" The polar bear screeched.
"Yeah, let's get you something to ea... ea... e-achoo!" Sneezed Law.
I stared at him with shocked eyes and opened mouth. He just looked back at me with a questioning face.
"You're sick!" I Yelled "I didn't know doctors could get sick!"
"I'm not sick, you were tickling my nose with your crazy hair" He said rolling his eyes
"You liar, you look really tired!" I said narrowing my eyes at him and slapping my hand on his forehead "And you're boiling hot!!!"
"I know why he's like this!" Clicked Penguin "He hasn't had any sleep for the whole time you were nocked out and has hardly had anything to eat because he was too worried about you"
"What were you thinking?! As a doctor, you should take care of yourself you idiot. Get in bed and rest!" I scolded pushing him in with me. The three others ran out of the room to get some food
"Humph, guess I get no say in this" He sighed and snuggled up close "You get some rest too, you haven't completely healed"
"M'kay then"
It's been longer than ages and I apologise for those who have been waiting for an update T^T I was on holiday and life in general was taking over. But new chapters will come out quicker now that I have time. So grab some cake, put some jamming music on and get ready for the next chapter, which is really close by 🍹\(○_○)/🎉

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