Chapter 10

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I know I said I was going to update on the weekend, but I had to go work on a play in in on Saturday. And Sunday, I was out with the FAM.

{Not edited}


Louis was crush. He was heart. Heartbroken, you can say. He hasn't out of his room in a day and a half.

Skipped school yesterday. It's now saturday. Yesterday, he told his mum that he was "sick" but she knew the real truth. She heard him talking to Sophia on the phone and heard everything that happened.

She was about to kick Harry's ass for hurting her baby. Even when it was about his sweaters and flower crowns.

She even tried talking to Louis about it but he just made her go away. He locked his room and stayed there.

Even Lottie heard but she gave him his space. Lottie tried to talk to him but, like he did to his mom, he made Lottie go away too.

So that's what Louis has been doing. Crying all day. He couldn't believe that Harry won't be in a relationship with him just because he finds Louis' girly sweaters and flower crowns weird.

Didn't he just say I was a pretty boy and shit? Louis though. Was he just lying? So many questions were running through Louis' head. He couldn't answer any if them himself.

All he did was ask questions then ask another since he didn't know the answer. He finally gave up and laid back on his bed and dranked the last of his tea he had made himself earlier.

He placed his mug back on his night stand and took his phone off off it. He had turned it off when he got home and that was a day and a half ago. When it turned on, his phone went crazy with notifications. Once it stopped he went to his messages and saw that he had over 20.

He felt special.

Not anymore since he saw they were mostly from Harry.

But he ignored those and went to Liams because they were at the top.

From: Liam-Bug

Hey, I'm so sorry for today. I know Harry said all that but I want you to know that he didn't mean it.

Yeah right.

From: Liam-Bug

Again, I know it was yesterday but I'm sorry....Why aren't you at school? Are you okay? I understand if you didn't come because of Harry.

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