Chapter 17

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On the way to Louis' house, Harry couldn't even manage to walk. Once he stepped out and saw the light, he wished he never even came out side. He couldn't stand the bright light that shined. Gladly, it was getting darker so the sun won't be out for long but for now, Harry had to live with it. One reason why he hated getting drunk. It made him hate things.

Like when he walked out his house, he tripped on the two steps that walked down his house to the sidewalk. Him being drunk, he swore at the steps and walked away. He even started yelling at the backpack he carried with the objects that Louis likes. When he thought about Louis, he actually started crying. He didn't really have a reason to start crying but the thought of the boy made him.

So, as he walked, well tried, he wore his hoodie over his head, zipper all the way up, hands stuffed in the pockets. He hated the way he looked. His eyes were puffy, cheeks were red, hair everywhere and he also smelt bad. When kids walked down the same way on the same sidewalk as him, they would be disgusted by the smell. After a second, they would get pulled away from their parents and Harry would receive nasty glares. He ignored them kept walking to Louis' house.

"Hey!" Harry turned around to the voice who had shouted. He kinda hoped that it wasn't for him but it was because it was the one and only Zayn Malik stomping towards to Harry, mad.

Harry rolled his eyes. "What do you want, Malik?" Harry wasn't in the mood for Zayn to talk to him. He's never in the mood to have Zayn near him. He hated the guy.

As he stood still, he saw Zayn pull up his sleeves. Looks like he wants to fight, Harry thought. Harry pushed his hoodie off and unzipped his jacket half way. And Harry was right. Once Zayn was a few inches away from Harry, Zayn shoved Harry back, real hard. It happened to quick for Harry to actually feeling himself fall down on his back.

Yeah he knew Zayn wanted to fight but his head was spinning. He fell on someone's lawn and hit his head, hard. He groaned in pain and got up fast as he could. Zayns laugh made him even more mad. It was cocky and annoying. When Harry got up, he clenched his teeth and threw off his backpack. He didn't want the stuff in their break. His sleeves were rolled up and he didn't hesitate to get close to Zayn and punched him right in the jaw.

And that's when they went at it. When Zayn fell on his side on the road, Harry got on top of him and punched him again until Zayn finnaly got grip on Harry's arm and pushed him off onto the road.

"You think your tough, Styles? You actually aren't. You punch like a bitch" Zayn ran his finger over his bleeding lip and laughed at Harry.

"Oh go fuck yourself. You know your an actual bitch" after Harry said it, he jumped up, and grabbed Zayn by his waist and threw him to the middle of the road and let him slide a bit. Zayn was sure to have scratches on his arms from the road. That made Harry laugh when he saw blood run down his arm.

And well, after Zayn scraped his arm, Zayn and Harry just went at it. Punches were thrown at one another, blood was dripping, skin were cut and bruised, swear words were yelled out, and even a few people were around, recording the fight. Parents yelled at them to stop. Kids started crying for no reason when they saw the fight.

Harry's vision went blurry when Zayn got another punch towards Harry's stomach. Though Harry was stronger then Zayn, he was too tired and still kinda drunk. That's why Zayn basically won the fight. Harry wouldn't say anyone won but Zayn surely did. He bleed more but Zayn got more bruises.

"You done, Styles?" Zayn stood upon Harry, looking done at the boy who couldn't catch his breath.

Instead of talking, Harry looked up at him and held up his middle finger at Zayn. There were dumb young thirteen year olds around recording still. One of the kids even got near Zayn to get a better look at Harry but the two boys got fed up with the dumb kids and yelled at them to leave but they didn't and just stood back.

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