Chapter 3

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    I straightened out my work uniform - a beige dress - in the bathroom of the cafe. Feeling self-conscious, I stared at my face for a bit to see if anything looked out of place. My long blonde hair was tied back, my brown eyes stood out thanks to the mascara I applied. My face was round and my lips were small and plump. I didn't know why, but I looked away from my reflection unsatisfied. Without glancing back, I left the washroom.

      I went to the front counter and sighed, noticing that today the cafe was pack. Noticing there was a line in front of the empty cash register, I frowned and looked around for my coworker. Shaking my head, I realized she was probably making out with her boyfriend somewhere instead of working. 

       I went over to the cash register and looked at the person at the front. Forcing a smile, I beckoned her over to me. Somehow, serving Reece yesterday had given me a bit of confidence. I had to thank him for that, even though I never wanted to see him again.

       For the next hour, I worked at the cash register. It was nerve racking, but as time flew by I found myself getting used to it. I wasn't comfortable, but I wasn't nauseous at the idea of speaking to customers one after another either.

       Once the line was finished, I decided to organize the money I had gotten. With the rush, I felt like I might have mixed some of it up. So I looked through it quickly.

      As I was looking, I heard someone say, "Can I order forgiveness?"

      My head flew up and I saw Reece standing before me. He wasn't smiling and his eyes didn't have their usual brightness in them. I frowned, wondering what this was about as I felt this urge to avoid him.

       "Forgiveness?" I asked, wrapping my arms around myself protectively.

       "Yes, I'm sorry," he said. "I spent the night thinking about how I - excuse my language - fucked up yesterday. I shouldn't force you to do something you're not comfortable with. That was wrong of me."

       I just looked at him. Even though I was grateful for the apology, I was lost for words. I didn't know what to do from this point on.

       "You know, I forget that everyone is different," he continued. "I think it's human of us to assume people are just like us and that they think the same way. That's why I thought you would be thrilled to burst out of your bubble."

       "I understand what you mean," I finally said. "It's okay. I'm sorry you had to figure this out on your own. If I had told you myself, you might have gotten proper sleep."

      That was true, I knew. I was bad at putting my feelings into words. It wasn't something I was used to, and that was one of the many reasons why I never had any best friends. I never put in the effort to show them I cared, so they always ended up leaving me. Being me, I just allowed it because I didn't know how to prevent it.

       "No need to apologize." Reece smiled.

       Someone suddenly let out a frustrated breath, and I realized there was someone waiting in line behind Reece. My cheeks flushed, and Reece stepped aside. The old man behind him stepped forward, looking annoyed.

       "Keep your lovey dovey problems outside of work," he scolded.

      My face felt hot as my jaw dropped. Reece chuckled and I narrowed my eyes at him. He quickly shut up.

       "Cara, I'll be waiting for you after you're done work," Reece said, after I finished the old man's order. "When are you done?"

       "At five," I replied, not knowing if I should tell him he shouldn't wait.

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