Chapter 11

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      "Let's go to a club," I demanded, placing my hands on my hips.   

       Reece's eyes widened. He stared at me for a bit, looking astonished. I tried to stay serious so he would see a new side of me as he gaped at me. Too bad, he began to laugh.

       I flushed, embarrassed as he laughed loudly in the cafe. Glancing around, I noticed people looking at us which made my face feel warmer. I shook my head at that, knowing I couldn't care about them - or anything actually. That was why I even asked to go to a club. I wanted to change fast and to do that, I had to throw myself out of my comfort zone.

        Once Reece calmed down, he wiped away his tears and said, "Are you serious?"

       "Yes," I huffed. "Let's go."

       "Cara, this has to be some sort of joke," he said. "You told me yourself once. You would never step into a club."

        Frowning, I looked away from him. "Fine, we won't go."

        "Oh my god, you're serious."

        I looked back at him and smiled. "Yes, okay. I want to change and this seems like a good idea."

        Reece studied me again, and this time I stared back at him. That seemed to impress him since he grinned and then nodded. My own smile grew at that.

        "Have you ever been to a club before?" he asked.

        I shook my head.

        Reece brightened up. "Well, I'm going to make today the best day of your life then."

        I laughed, even though my gut began to twist. This was completely new to me, so I had no idea what to expect.


        Reece and I stepped into the club. The music was blaring and the dance floor straight ahead of us was filled with sweaty people. It was hard to see due to the dimmed lights, but I took in how gorgeous and happy everyone was. They all seemed to be having the time of their lives, which made me nervous.

       "Remember what I taught you during the concert," Reece said, smiling at me. "Relax."

       I nodded and smiled as Reece took my hand. He intertwined our fingers, and my heart skipped a beat as his smile grew. Smiling back, I hoped to show him a new side of me.

       Reece lead me to the bar that stood off to the side. A few chairs were taken at the front of the bar, but we found spots for us. So sitting down, I tried not to fidget as my nerves returned.

       "Clubs are more fun when you aren't sober," Reece said. "Shall we drink?"

       I stared at him for a bit and noticed the hint of encouragement in his eyes. I wasn't a fan of beer, but if I was going to let loose I knew beer would help. So, I agreed.

       Reece ordered two beers and soon we were given them. I stared at mine hesitantly, but Reece dove into his instantly. Seeing that amazed me since I didn't think Reece would need beer to have a good time. The way he was made it seem like he'd have a hell of a good time any time of day. 

       Seeing Reece grinning excitedly at the dance floor, I began to drink my beer. I reminded myself that this was a one time thing, and that I would change faster this way. Beer suddenly tasted better.

        "So, what are we going to do first?" I asked, sipping on my beer.

       "First?" Reece raised an eyebrow. "We're spending the next few hours dancing."

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