Chapter9: An angel

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Its finally the 1st day of June. May has been a tough month on me. Getting into a fight with mom and then my moms passing was really hard for me. But I had to move on from this and start all over again, and it was my birthday month too which was great and a highlight.

June is the last month of the school year and I'll graduate from this hell bound. This month was the play daniel and I are staring as brothers. The play was called The false. Every day after school I would practice my lines with daniel and the rest of the cast. It was two weeks before the play and I was a bit excited for it. I was also a bit nervous because it was my first and hopefully not my last play I do in front of people. Today I stayed after school because Daniel had to stay to finish an assignment in another class and I promised to wait for him after school so stayed in Drama Class to practice my lines with Sam she played the crazy neighbor. Sam was like my girl bestfriend. She has been here for me since mom's passing. She lost her father in the same way too, suicide.

"So sam are you ready to run these lines" I said with excitement.

"I'm sure ready Joe Joe " she bounced with excitement aswell.

"Okay here we go".

*scene: Maria sneaks into the yard to stalk Billy in the kitchen, George is outside in the yard and speaks to crazy maria*.

(Joey) George: Um Maria what are you doing in my yard? *says in confusion*

(Sam) Maria: uh nothing. I came to see Billy?

(Joey) George: Billy doesn't what to see you? *gives sas*

(Sam) Maria: That's False. He wants to see me.

(Joey) George: Your crazy Maria ??

(Sam) Maria: Don't Judge me. Your brother will love me and will be mine! *gets emotional *

(Joey) George: But Billy is 4 years older then you he's 19 you're 15??

(Sam) Maria: so age is just a number?

(Joey) George: oh so jail is just a room, and you're going to be in it if you don't leave before I call the cops!!

(Sam) Maria: oh Gees fine I'm leaving I'll be back.

*Maria climbs over the fence back to her yard*

(Joey) George: I really need to tell my mom to buy a electrical fence.

*end scene*.

We had more lines together but we just practice one scene of the play.

"Wow Sam great acting" I said.

"Thanks your not bad yourself joe" sam answered.

"Thanks sammy and What time is it"

"It's 4:30"

"4:30 Daniel finishes at 5:00 so remind me when it's 5 to pick him up from his class."

"Okay.. So you and daniel. Joey!"

"What about me and daniel??" I asked.

"Daniel really likes you joey"

"I know he does he's my boyfriend "

"Can I tell you something, but please don't tell him"

"Sure Samantha what is it"

"Before you came to this school. All of daniels relationships that he has never end well. He was never happy in any relationship because he never felt loved. He would always tell me that he might have to end it or, he gets dumped or cheated on alot"

"Really Aww daniel"

"Yes but ever since he met you, I never seen daniel so happy in my life it's like seeing a new person that smiles everyday now" Sam exclaimed.

"Thanks for making him smile joey. Its amazing back then daniel was always down this class always brought his spirit up, and now that you are new to this school and he has met you and you two are now together it's like he has been touch by an angel and he's happy now"

"Aw no problem sam I just want to make my sweetie happy" I blushed.

"Well you're doing a great job joey"

I smiled Sam was one of those girls that are down to do anything. She's adventurous, she's so helping. She reminded me of my friend brittany back home.

"Sam it's funny how you remind me of my bestfriend brittany back home in Massachusetts" I bragged.

"Really, mind if I ask but why did you moved out here to L.A" sam asked.

"My mom got into a fight with my dad around January, they got divorced around The first week of April and my mom wanted to be miles away from him so she flew out here found a job and she flew me and my sister and my little brother here to L.A in April" I answered.

"Oh and now you live with your dad"

"Exactly Sam" I signed.

"Poor joey I know it's hard but life will get better trust me it's been 2 years since my dad died and I loved my dad so much, me and my mom never got along but ever since his passing me and my mom got very close, you and your dad will be very close trust me joey"

"Thank you Samantha you really know how lighten a boys spirit"

"It's my job to make people happy joey, my dad used to always say I'm a gift from the heavens, sent here to help people with their problems"

"Your dad is right sam, your incredible women, spread your wings girl and fly" I laughed with envy.

"And joey you are also and amazing angel also sent from heaven to help a boy in life" Sam said.

I really loved sam so much. I just wanted to adopted her and make her my sister. Even if I have already a sister but don't really see her so much because she's always out with her friends or in college.

"Oh joey it's 5 now don't be late to pick up daniel across campus"

"Oh Thanks For reminding sam well I'll see you tomorrow" I grabbed my stuff and waved at her at the door.

"By joey"

I left the building and ran all the way to the other side of campus. School was so big. It takes you like 10 minutes to walk to class. Not really it takes like 5 minutes but still.

I finally got to Daniels building I was out of breathe. I was breathing heavily. I never worked out in my life i think I need to start now. I turned the corner to daniel class when I see him siting next to a bench.

"Daniel you ready to go" I took a deep breathe after running.

"Sure, what took you so long and why are you out of breathe" Daniel asked.

"I ran from the drama building to this building it far as hell. Now come on no more questions I'm hungry let's go eat." I hesitated.

"Okay my angel"

I Really was his angel from above.


Finally chapter 9 is up. I was going to upload this on friday. But I fell asleep really early. And I just finished it today and now it's here. Hope you enjoy it till next time Good damn bye xD

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