Chapter23: Killing The vibe

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We finally got to Sam's new Apartment.

"Hope you like your new room, it has a bathroom in it, there's a king size bed and drawers basically it's already customized for you." she said unlocking the door.

"Its like they knew I was coming, thank you sam, your a big help".

"Don't mention it okay and don't worry about paying the rent for at a year, my college intuition is paying my apartment"

"What really, that's nice of them" I placed my bags on the ground.

"They are well make your self at home joey, don't be afraid".


"Your room will be the first on the right, oh I almost forgot here is a spare key just for you"

"Thank you"

"Well I have to run some errands, see you too in a couple of hours"

"Okay be careful bye"

As she left the house. I grabbed my stuff and headed up stairs.

"Daniel can he help me with wolf's crate"


As we both head up stairs. I turn to my right and saw a big two door room calling my name.

"Is that my room" I gasped.

"I think so, they looks like castle white doors" Daniel said.

I opened the door, letting the light of the sun shine right in. There was a huge bed in the middle of the window and nice painted nature green walls. My favorite color.

"not gunna lie, but I'm not going to miss my old room"

I sat my stuff on the ground closed the door behind us and walked to my bed.

"This is comfortable bed" I bouced on it to test it's comfiness.

"Sure is" Daniel said with a sigh.

I looked over at him. He had an overly sad face.

"Daniel are you okay" I grabbed his hand.

"Im still surprised from yesterday, making the stupidest decision of my life, almost loosing you"

"Aw daniel, I gave you another chance, if you didn't come running to the airport I would be on on a plane heading to Florida, feeling really awful"

"I know, and I don't know what I would do"

"Just know that you got lucky, not everyone gets a second chance, but you did and be thankful"

"I know I am, Joseph" he placed his arm around me.

"You know I love you right" I looked at him. He smiled back.

"I know" he placed his soft plumped lips on to mine.

Finally we fished unpacking my stuff.

"what do you want to do" as I threw myself back on my bed.

" You know... we can finish our *to be continued* moment from 3 weeks ago" he smirked.

"Ooo" I giggled. covering my face with my hands. My face turned red really quick.

"Okay" I blushed.

As I said okay daniel placed his lips on to mines. Making our kiss ride with rhythm. But then I broke the kiss.


"What" Daniel said

I got up.. and walked to the door. I opened it to let wolf out and then closed the door and this time I locked it, as I walked back

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