Chapter10: Not what I expected.

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  2 weeks have passed now and it's finally the day of the play, and the last week of school. Then Daniel and I graduate from here. On June 19 class of 2015. I was really happy my last year of high school was going to be spent kind of amazing. Because I have the love of my life by my side in any situation. Its Monday June 15. It was 4th period. I was so excited to show the world my acting skills.

"Okay kids" Miss June's said.

"Tonight is the day of the play, and I heard that there will be senators from a 5 star acting school in New York City, you can win a scholarship and probably can perform in Broadway In NYC."

I was surprised. Acting this can be my big break.

"Oh my Daniel, this is what I want, my dream is to become an actor and perform on Broadway in New York City" My eyes light up with excitement.

" and I want to become a model"

"Well we all know who they're going to pick" I bragged.

"Keep telling yourself that babe" Daniel joked

"Ah how rude"

"Just kidding I love you" kissed me on the cheek.

" Your sick in the head"

He smiled and walked away.

  4 hours later. It was 2 hours before the play started, Daniel and I arrived at school at the same time. Daniels Mom And brother, and My Dad, Nicole and Jet were coming later. We both walked into the class, and that when it hit me, the butterflies.

"Daniel!!!" I stopped.

"Yes Joseph" he looked at me concerned.

"I don't feel good" I hesitated.

"You what??"

I looked at him for 5 seconds, then a tear rolled down my face. I ran out the room as fast as I can, I headed to the bathroom I felt so nauseous, everything looked like it was spinning. I ran into the bathroom locked my self in the big stall. I was having a panic attack.


We were walking to class when joey called from behind. He looked pale. He ran out the room. He looked like he was going to puke. So I ran after him.

"JOEY WHAT WRONG" . I yelled.

He ran into the nearest bathroom, as I walked into the bathroom I hear heavy breathing and someone pacing back in forth.


"Sweetie are you okay" Daniel yelled as walking into the bathroom

"Uhh yes I'm fine" I signed.

"NO your not joey, why did you run out"

"I'm scared daniel, I feel like I'm going to mess up, this is my dream to get into an awesome acting school, I feel pressured"

"Joey your going to be fine but first baby can you opened the stall" said daniel.

I opened the stall. My palms were sweaty and I was shaking.

"Joey don't cry, you will knock their socks off with your acting. Your amazing" Daniel hugged me from behind.

"Thank you, but I-I nev-er done th-is beforrre. I'm ter-ri-fied " I couldn't stop crying.

"Sweetie please don't cry" he wiped my tears from my cheek

"Once you step on that stage and start performing, it's like rehearsing in class and nothing can stop you no mistakes just perfection and yourself joey"

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