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Bombalurina's P.O.V

Drama class is taught by a pro tutor named Asparagus. But who wants to be named after a vegetable? So everyone just calls him Gus.
Drama is definitely my best subject. I have a tendancy to be a bit of a drama queen. At least, that's what Dem tells me all the time.
Anyway, earlier in Geography class, Mr D told me that I was going on an exchange student year, and I'm super nervous. I can't speak any New Zealand-ish at all. Dem tells me that New Zealand people just speak English but I reckon she's playing on my dumbness.
Oh my gosh, Rum Tum Tugger is going and this is the only reason I'm even considering it. I mean, he is pretty damn fabulous. And super popular. He's honestly perfect!
So Gus walks up to the front of the classroom.
"Back when I was a young actor" he begins "We would start every session with some acting warm ups."
"Great!" Etcetera squeals. Sometimes I wonder what's with that girl. Like, caffiene addiction or something.
Electra, Etcetera's sister (who is less energetic than Etcetera, but that isn't the hardest thing to do) raises her hand.
"What do yo mean by 'warm ups'? Like, squats or something?" She inquires.
"I'm glad you asked, 'lectra." Gus answers politely. "No, not squats. By warm ups I mean acting activities that prepare your acting muscles for an actual play."
"There are acting muscles?!" Pouncival asks fascinated.
"Not really. It's a metaphor." Gus is great with annoying people. It's a wonder that somebody as old as him still manages to keep kids' respect.
Soon I grow bored so I take to making eyes at Tugger.
He doesn't respond, as usual. But I will make him love me eventually!
Gus begins some lecture about context and tone or whatever. Yes, I know I said I love drama, but today I'm just a bit unfocused. For the rest of the year I'm going to be going to school in New Zealand! Like, what the hell? I don't even pay attention in geography, so how did I get this trip?

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