The Plane

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Tugger's P.O.V

Okay. I admit. I have a fear of flying.
Everyone looks at me like I'm flawless and I really love that, but I do have one tiny little fear.
I freak the hell out when my feet aren't on the ground.
At least my seat on the plane is next to Misto, the only person who won't act like a crazy fangirl sitting next to me on the plane. Apparently we get food and coffee and stuff on this plane. I've only ever been on smaller ones to fly around the UK but this is leaving the country. Leaving the continent! I'm gonna be dripping in cold sweat for nearly 24 hours!
As we walk to the departure lounge, I turn to my bro Munkustrap.
"Dude" I say looking at him.
"What is it?" He groans.
"Dude, remember how I fricking hate flying?"
He looks as though he just remembered he threw his new phone into Huka Falls. Which he didn't do because
1. He is too sensible
2. Huka Falls is in New Zealand and we aren't there yet.
I'm just using that as a metaphor to describe his stupid face.
"Crap. I forgot. Ummm."
He thought for a second
"I could swap tickets with Misto and..."
I shake my head.
"No, dude I'm fine. Just reminding you."
Munk nods cautiously.
A voice sounds over the loaudspeakers. It's time for us to board the plane.


We're on the plane. I'm drinking the crappy plane tea that they gave me.
Misto did tell me that the plane tea was bad but I thought that I could be a rebel and drink it.
Point to Misto. I don't think I can drink the rest of it.
I take out my phone and take a selfie. Selfies from a plane are really hip.
"Can you shut the god damn window thing? I'm trying to sleep!" Misto announces.
"Dude it's dark outside."
"Fine. Do what you want."
Misto takes out his phone, leans over slightly to get a better veiw, and snaps a picture of the view out the plane window.
"Woah! Great picture!" I say.
"Yeah, It's alright." He replies. "Only because I have some photography app. It would look really bad on it's own."

"We will soon be starting our descent into Auckland, New Zealand in just under twenty minutes." An air hostess says over the speaker thingy.
I lay back. I have barely freaked out the entire flight. And there's not a single bead of cold sweat on my forhead.

(A/N: Hey people! Here you have your first taste of Tugoffelees in my fanfic, but there will be much, much, much more because I am trash. I wonder why Tugger freaks out when he's sitting next to Munk but seems relaxed when he's with Misto? Hmmm. ;D)

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