Chapter 2.

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"That's it Brooks. You're fired."

You're fired. 

Those two words could change your life. I stood gaping. I couldn't believe what just happened. And it was all because of this man. This Arrogant man. 

"Mr. Sanders, you can't do this. You can't fire me just like that." I pleaded. I was irritated. This man caused an unnecessary scene which costed me my job. I would be in a huge crisis if I lost this job. It's my lifeline. 

"Brooks, you can't order me around about what I can do and what not. You made our customer unhappy. You're fired that's it. No buts." he said.  Becca passed me a worried look. And by now Mr. Arrogant had already left the cafe.

What a start to the day. This job was everything I had. My source of  income.. How would I pay my apartment rent? It was due today. I was planning to ask my boss for a bonus today, but that currently seemed out of the question.

I went to collect my stuff. Becca approached me. "Listen, I'll try convincing him to take you back on the job. I know he'll agree."

"Becca, we know he won't do such a thing. You heard him, I'm fired and nothing will persuade him to hire me back." I reasoned. I still couldn't believe it. Now what would I do?

"If you need any help I'm always there. I'm a phone call away, okay?" she assured.

"Thanks Becca. You're a great friend. But I won't bother you with any troubles."  I said. I really didn't want to be a bother. She already had her hands full.   

"Nah. What are friends for?" I laughed. She always had a positive vibe, making me feel that everything would be okay. She was a great friend and I was so lucky to have her. 

"By the way, that guy was so hot!" Becca said with a dreamy expression on her face.

I smacked her. I guess I should've taken back my statement of her being a great friend.

"Hey! what was that for?" she complained.

"Becca, do you realise I lost my job because of him?" I said glaring at her.

"Van.. I'm so sorry. But don't deny. I know you must have found him hot too. Isn't it?" she asked with a playful smile on her face.

"Becca!" This girl is unbelievable.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry."

"Nah. It's cool. I guess I better get moving before Sanders literally kicks me out." I said faking a laugh.

"Take care Van, call me if you need any help." 

I mumbled an okay.

 I couldn't give Mr. Sanders the satisfaction of kicking me out of the job. 

I carried all my stuff and walked out of the cafe with my chin held high.

Now that I had no job and that I was nearly broke I couldn't waste my money on a taxi. Though all my possessions were heavy I had to take a walk home. It was twenty minutes walk but I survived. I was tired. I took the elevator to my apartment. Finally!

I started approaching my apartment. I furrowed my eyebrows. I noticed some things were scattered around. It looked like some luggage that was open with clothes carelessly stuffed in, and some belongings. That looked really familiar.


What the hell? Those were my belongings! I sprinted towards it. That's when I noticed a note stuck on my door. Now what?

I hastily opened it. 

This was not good. This could not be happening. 

Great. It was a note from my renter. The note said that I could no longer live in my apartment. My renter kicked me out of my apartment because today was the due date and I had not paid the rent. Great, just great. First my boss fires me from my job, and now my renter kicks me out of my apartment. My day could not get any better. Note the sarcasm. 

What am I going to do? I'm nearly broke. Where would I spend the night? So many questions were swimming in my head. 

A thought occurred to me. Becca could help me. No. I dismissed the thought immediately. I couldn't be a bother. And she too lived in a rented apartment. So I definitely couldn't go to her.

 It would only cause her trouble. And the worst part was I could go nowhere. I had no family. No person to call my own. I was an orphan after all. Becca was the only closest person to me whom I could call my family. Till highschool my orphanage had supported me financially. After highschool I went on my own way. I worked for two years in my previous town. I got a meager income. Then I moved into this city where I got a decent job. I couldn't afford to go to college. I was happy with my job and I was pretty independent until Mr. Arrogant showed up.

 Ugh. Of all the cafes out there, why did he have to show up here? Fate was certainly having fun screwing up my life.

Looks like I'll be on my own. I've got to get going. Sighing I got up and collected my possessions. Deja vu?


This is so exhausting. I had wandered through the whole city. But on the bright side I had my lunch. All through the while I was worried. I didn't know what the future had in store for me. Anything could happen, yes. But it mostly would be a negative outcome. I'm not being pessimistic just realistic. 

It was getting dark. I had to find some place to sleep.

I didn't even have enough money to spent the night at a motel. 

I kept dragging my luggage and walked wherever my feet took me. I thought about the lucky people who had a roof over their head and could sleep on their comfortable bed. It was at that time I realised the value of things. We take most things for granted but we only realise its worth after we lose it. I guess this is how life works. We usually learn things through experience.

I took notice of my surroundings. I was on a deserted street. Okay.. it was kind of creepy. I kept walking. 

"Hey babe, why alone?"

I froze.

It was a creepy male voice. I turned around.

Big mistake because that guy, correction, that creepy drunk guy came closer to me. 

"Stay away." I threatened him. but it came more like a squeak.

He smirked. "We can have fun girl. Come on." he slurred.

He started advancing towards me. To be honest, I was scared shitless.

He grabbed my hand. 

My whole body became alert and on a reflex I kicked him where the sun don't shine.

Yes! 1 point for me because he fell on the ground grabbing his crotch. Ouch. He shouldn't have made a move on me or else it wouldn't have happened.

I grabbed my luggage and ran for my life as fast as I could.

I ran till I reached a park. I set my things on a bench.

I decided to sleep there for the night. 

It was cold but it didn't matter at the moment. All I could think was of getting some sleep.

I was that exhausted.

The whole day's' events exhausted me. Too many things happened today and I was still processing what happened. I guess it was my utter bad luck.But now it didn't matter. What was done could not be undone. 

As soon as I lied down on the bench sleep took over me.


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