Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up feeling groggy. My bed felt very comfy and soft. When did my bed get this soft? When does it smell like peaches? I stretched out my hands and started feeling my bed.

Nope. This isn't my bed. Suddenly the warning bells in my head started going on and off. I cracked open my eyes slowly and yawned with my mouth wide open. I know that in the soaps the girl gets up in the morning looking all fresh and everything, but that's not me. I wake up with a nest head.

My eyes adjusted to the surroundings and that's when I finally realised why my bed smells like peaches and the sheets don't look like mine. It looks like a guy would own these. This isn't my bed at all.


The events of yesterday rushed to my mind. That reminds me, I have an interview today with that arrogant man. Just the thought of him makes me so angry. He did manipulate me into this. I just had an hour to get ready. I couldn't afford to waste the last chance to survive in this city. I need to get ready quickly.

I took a quick warm bath and dressed in formal wear. I am uncomfortable with heels so I skipped that out and settled for flats. Let that man judge me. And an eyeliner would suffice. I had a quick breakfast and left. I reached 15 minutes early. That must be good enough.

With my documents in hand I walked into the building. The receptionist guided me to the interview room. I thought of gaining some information on the company and read out the details on the bulletins since I wasn't prepared for the interview. Beads of sweat started forming on my forehead when I realised there would be more qualified people than me here. And I was right. There really were about a hundred candidates. Now wasn't the time to panic.

I sat down to calm my nerves. After a while I was called out. I mustered some courage and walked into the interview room. And there he was right in the centre of the panel. A frown instantly formed on my face but I replaced it with a smile. I politely greeted the company heads and sat down when they asked me to.

Then the question round began. The company heads assessed my CV through my although there was nothing in it that made me stand out from the other candidates and considering my previous job was of a waitress. Since I had no experience in the field I had a hard time answering their questions. I told them of my strengths with organising and weakness with numbers. They didn't seem too happy with my qualifications. Then the devil himself asked me a question.

"What is your salary expectation?"

I was caught off guard for a moment.
The words came out of my mouth before I even thought what I was going to say.

"Enough to keep a roof over my head."

Wait. That sounded really stupid. I couldn't take that back now. I guess the events from past few days have messed up my head.

He nodded.

"You may leave now"

I was startled. Was this over? Did I even push through this interview? It was hard to tell if I made it through. There were a hundred other candidates and I being the inexperienced one.

I walked out and headed back to the apartment. Several possibilities struck my mind. What if I never find a job? Where would I go? I couldn't live in this apartment forever even if I  wanted to. And so I spent the whole day in anticipation.

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