1. Nancy Drew

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Gerard's P.O.V

"Nancy Drew?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah" Ray answered "what's wrong with it?"

"It's lame"

It really wasn't all that bad of a band name, but because I didn't get to pick it I didn't like it.

"Look Gerard, just because you're the lead doesn't mean everything has to be the way you want!" Cole yelled from behind his drum set.

"Fine!" I retorted "We'll be Nancy Drew or whatever, but you'll regret it when the band never takes off because of a sucky name!"

With that I stormed out of Rays garage, angry and thinking that maybe if I could come up with a better name they'd change it.
I entered the house and was absorbed in silence. I was thrown off for a second because our house is never silent. I was contemplating why silence bothered me so much, when I heard someone coming down the stairs.

"How was work Mikey?" I asked

"Slow and boring." Well he works in a comic shop so what did he expect.
"Band practice?" Mikey's only interested in band practice because he thinks it so cool that his older brother is in a band. 

"They finally decided on a name" I said rolling my eyes at the thought of the argument earlier.

"Well what is it?" He asked excitedly. I hesitated for a moment wondering if Mikey would hate the name the way I do, or if he would absolutely love it.

"Nancy Drew"

"What the hell is Nancy Drew?"

I stared at Mikey in disbelief. How does he not know who Nancy Drew is???

"Not a what Mikey, a who."

"Oh" he blushed "Then who is Nancy Drew?"

"Some fictional character who solves mysteries"


I laughed "That's what I told them!"

"What if you could come up with something better?"

"Like what, mikes?"

"I don't know yet"

"Well if you come up with something, let me know. Otherwise, I'm going to bed"

"You are? This early? On a Friday!?"

"Shut up Mikey"

"Whatever" He rolled his eyes and smiled at me "You need your beauty sleep"

I didn't even have a come back so turned and walked up the stairs. When I reached my bedroom door I took a deep breath. You see, my bedroom door is actually inside of another room, that just so happens to be lined with shelves of very creepy dolls. And they've terrified me ever since I was little. I have to walk past these dolls everyday and every night, and you would think that at seventeen I wouldn't be scared of porcelain, but I am. So I throw open the door and in a few long strides I practically break my door off its hinges to get inside and quickly shut it behind me. I sigh when I see all the clothes piled up on my bed and usually I would put them away, but I'm too tired after having to psyche myself up to run past dolls. So I simply shove the clothes onto the floor and collapse on the bed. I'm on the verge of sleep when my phone starts ringing. I pick it up and answer.

"Hey it's me"

"What do you want Ray?"

"I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I didn't mean to start an argument"

"It's fine Ray"

"And if you do think of a name better than what we have, I might even consider changing the name just to make it up to you" he laughs.

"Whatever. I'm trying to sleep so please don't call until at least noon tomorrow"

"Alright sleeping beauty calm down. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye"

I hung up with out saying anything. I really need to come up with a good name. But where the hell do I find one?

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