6. A chapter dedicated to franks hair

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Frank's P.O.V

After Gerard left last night, I sat on the couch and thought, what was so wrong with me that Gerard felt he should leave?

I know Mikey called him and said there was an emergency, but somehow I can't help but feel that whatever the reason he left, was my fault. I didn't like feeling this way so I got up, grabbed my keys and $20, and headed to the nearest convince store, hoping that maybe I could buy cheap hair dye. Because when life gets tough it's time to do some weird shit to your hair right?

In about ten minutes I came across a small strip mall type area, with a little corner store on the end. I walked in and paced the aisles until I found their entire collection of hair dye. A whole three different colours! The options of black, blonde, and red, none of which seemed very appealing, but these were probably the only colours I could afford, so I decided on red, seeing as my hair was already black and I didn't want to permanently damage it by bleaching it blonde.

I grabbed two boxes, brought them to the counter and was shortly on my way back home. As soon as I walked in I headed straight for the bathroom, and after searching for a few minutes, found scissors and my dads razor. I figured, why just dye it? I might as well cut it off, one, because it would be a drastic change, and two, because the dreadlocks I currently had were a complete nightmare to deal with.

So I set off cutting my hair as short and as even as I could manage. I decided to leave the top a bit longer and shave the sides. Once I decided that what I'd done to my hair wasn't complete shit, I set to work putting the colour in. And while it set, I swept up. After showering and making sure the colour rinsed properly, I looked in the mirror and was met with a face I didn't quite recognize. Which was good. Even though my hair had turned out a bit more orange than red, I liked it. And I can't wait to see what the guys in the band think of it tomorrow.


"Holy fuck dude"  Ray said, eyes wide.  I smiled at him.

"What? Don't you like it?"

"It's just uh, different you know. Really sudden change"

"Well that's what I was going for, so uh thanks?" I answered with a slight smirk

"What do think Gerard will say?" He asked

"I didn't dye it for Gerard"

"Oh"   Was all I got in response.

Ray and I continued walking to the Way residence so we could work on music or whatever. Ray had called Gerard to let him know we were coming over, and even though he said we could just let ourselves in, I felt better knocking on the door instead. Mikey answered the door and upon seeing me, immediately paused, with his head tilted to one side like a confused puppy.

"Uh-um your hair is different" Mikey stuttered

"Yes?" I replied

"Your hair is different and it's not shit" he said

"Was it shit before?" I asked, faking offense

"Yes" was his reply

"Fair enough. Let's head to the garage then?" I said

"Yeah, Gerard is already in there" Mikey said

Ray and Mikey and I walked towards the garage and we were about to enter when I stopped abruptly in front of the door. Before either of them could ask why, I said "Gerards singing". So we stood and waited until his voice no longer rang through the house, and then we entered the room rather awkwardly, considering Gerard definitely knew we were behind the door that whole time.

I walked over to the corner of the garage, carrying pansy and avoiding eye contact with Gerard. I heard Mikey ask him something that I didn't quite catch, but I heard his response.

"It's called knives and sorrow"

I guess Gerard wrote another song? I decided to ask him.

"Is that a new mess of lyrics Gerard?" I teased

Rather than vocally responding, he stood up and strode slowly over to me, notebook in hand. I kept my face cast down, a notebook came into my line of sight. I grabbed it and skimmed over the words tracing my hand across the writing that was practically carved into the paper.

"I like your hair, Frankie"

I looked up just as Gerard leaned towards my ear and whispered

"It's hot"

He took a step back and winked at me, before grabbing his notebook and returning to his fold out chair, grabbing a cigarette from the box in the cup holder. I watched, mesmerized as he smoked, and I realized in that moment, I had fallen face to the floor for Gerard Way.


Updating at 1 a.m. Bc I'm an angry insomniac

- Ace

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