chapter 17

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( im ending this book at chapter 20 )
After a couple days most of us made up from being made at eachother. Me and Matt no so much. I woke up to the sound of Matt humming happily. I sat up to see him packing. " what ha doin ? " I asked, he looked at me and smiled " Nash and Maggie planned a trip for us ! Hunter and the twin are going to stay with Maggie's mom and all of us are going to Hawaii ! " he screamed. I rubbed my eyes and rolled out of bed quickly shoving my stuff into my suit cases and getting dress. I out a black swim suit on under my jean shorts and green tanktop. I brushed my teeth and hair quickly put it into a messy ponytail and put my green sunglasses on my head. after a while a limo picked us all up and we droped hunter nash jr and nashly off at maggies moms.


we were in the limo on our way to the airport. the clock in the limo says 6:35 am. we arrived at the airport and got on our flight. bailey sat next to me and cherry on the other side. the flight was 10 hours long or 9 hours 54 min to be exact. we arrived in hawaii really late and went to sleep. the next day most of us just went swiming ina  small pool at the hotel. it soon was 8:30 and evryone went out except me bailey and shawn. before i went to my room i heard shawn whisper somthign to bailey then both of them went into there rooms. after about 15 min i heard a slight scream from baileys room. i ran in to see her sitting straight up in her bed. " you ok ? " i asked walking to her " yea just a nightmare " she said. i sat down on the bed near her andsaid " wanna talk about it?it will make you feel better ". she told me that shawn has apologised to her for somthing he did a long time ago. she said she dreamed about what happened. a long time ago shawn had a crush on bailey and shawn told bailey he was in love with her. cam heard this and got mad and broke up with bailey. she said that her dream went dark and it then went into what it would be ike if they never had gotten back together showing hunter disapearing and stuff like that. i wrapped my arms around her giving her a soothing hug. " just think of all the things you and cam do now ? " i said. she started telling me abotu all the romantic things her and cam did. suddenly we were caught in the  moment and our lips touched. i was about to pull away when cherry and cam walked threw the door.


after going out we all headed to the hotel. i wanted to see bailey so i went with cam to there room. we opened the door ad my heart shattered. matt an bailey sat on baileys bed lips touching. they quickly pulled away and i shoved cam out of the way and ran to me and matts room locking the door. " let me in cherry ! let me explain " he screamed banging on the door. i kept the door locked and pulled the green emerald ringoff my finger. tears ran down my face as i opened the window of the room. i hesitated to do what i was goign to do. i kept debating if i should. i looked at the ring in my hand and came to a conclusion. i ran into the bathroom and grabbed a small metal box. idk where it came from. i put the ring inside and climbed out the window. ( it was only 2 feet high ) i ran to the small beachoutside and dug with my hands shoving the box into the ground. i covered it up and got back ito the room. i laid in my bed alone crying hereing matt banging the door with his hand.


i tried to get cherry to listen to me. she wouldnt talk to me, im not mad at her id be mad if i saw what she saw. i wish id never went into the room. cam came outside. he wasnt mad so i think bailey explained the whole situation. he handed me some blankets and pillows and asked " you want to sleep in our room ? ". i shook my head no and he went to his room. i laid the blankets on the ground and slept outside of our rooms on the floor near the door. i hoped so hard that shed forgive me. i love her.

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