Chapter 6

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At two a.m. I shook the others.

"Newham's not back" I told them.

"Not back? He should be back by now!" the doctor complained, sounding a little groggy.

"Where's he gone?" Fisher asked, looking around, obviously alarmed.

"I don't know" I fretted, standing up and beginning to pace around. Isabel grabbed me and set me down.

"He'll be alright" she said soothingly.

"No he won't!" I yelled suddenly, desperately. "He won't be alright unless he's here! He's in trouble and..."

I was cut off as Isabel clapped a hand over my mouth.

"Shut up, idiot!" she hissed. "People will hear you!"

"What's going on?"

Hettie had sat gingerly up from where she had been lying-the first time she had done so since the incident at Harley Street. I buried my head in Isabel's shoulder, and it was Dr. Scott who replied.

"Newham's gone missing. Nobody's seen him for hours."

"Oh" Hettie breathed, my distressed state seemingly making sense to her now. "What are we going to do?"

"I-I" Fisher started, but he was cut off by a sudden thunk from a room next door. The five of us froze.

Fisher scrambled lightly over to the door, slipping behind it and standing, ready to pounce. Dr. Scott pulled a gun from his pocket as Isabel dragged me away from that door, behind the two men and next to Hettie.

The doorhandle turned, and the door swung forward.

Dr. Scott cocked his gun.

A small child's face poked nervously around the door frame, and its owner scampered in. Fisher siezed him from behind, in a motion smooth and obviously practiced, one arm pinning the boy's arms to his sides and the other turning his face so he could see it. from We breathed out-slightly.

"I know you!" I exclaimed in realization, taking off my cap, as Fisher dragged the boy fully into the light.

"I know yer too, miss" the boy replied, without struggling in Fisher's grip.

"Pye, isn't it?" I asked. He nodded.

"Although, miss, yer were much more fancy dressed when I sees yer last."

I ghosted a smile.

"True. Why are you here, Pye?"

"I've got a message for yeh, miss."

The five of us looked worriedly at each other. I stepped nervously away from Isabel.

"Tell us the message, Pye" I ordered quietly, trying to hide the fact that I was shaking.

"Right. I've been told to tell Miss Alianna Winter that she's to come to Canary Wharf before sunrise, or she won't see one of the people most dear to her ever again" Pye reported.

"What?" I repeated numbly.

"Too overdramatic for me" Pye commented casually. "But then that's how the master likes it, so I don't complain. Pip pip!"

And before any of us could grab him again, he wriggled free of Fisher and scarpered off.

Everyone looked at me. I looked at my feet.

"I'd...better be off, then" I murmured. Isabel grabbed my arms.

"Don't you even think about it" she said firmly. "It'll be a trap."

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