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-This collection of letters were discovered on Alianna Winter's desk, by Isabel Winter on the day after her sister's death-

Dear Dr. Scott,

I feel like you, of all of my friends, are the one I owe most thanks to. You were my help in the darkest of times, you were the father figure I so desperately needed. I never would have succeeded in what I did if I hadn't had you to lean on. Your solid mind, skills, and potions have been invaluable in many a case, and if it is not too much trouble, it would mean the world to me if you would look after Isabel now I'm gone. She will take my passing with difficulty, I know she will, and she will need a father figure to lean on throughout these dark times.

With love, 



My dearest Hettie,

I feel so awful to have lied to you, after everything you have done for me. I also understand now why you lied to me, and I feel that by knowing that I know the truth, you will be able to put these troubles to rest. I assume you must have found your husband's letter to the maid Hanson before he posted it, read his plan, and used your extensive knowledge of the series that brought us both together to find a way to hint to me my perils to come. It was dangerous, Hettie darling, and to the end of my life I was eternally grateful to you for allowing me to finish what I needed to. You can put your demons to rest, knowing I have forgiven you for not telling me firstly. I'm only sorry that I wasn't able to come back to you like I promised.

Your best friend,



Dear Fisher,

I hardly know where to begin. All I want to say to you is be careful, and look after Isabel. She's lost so much, and her life's going to be very different from now on. But I also want you to know what I suspect of you. I fear that you did see the face of the girl in Newham's flat, and I also suspect that the face you saw was mine. I feel that you have to know that I in fact have a twin sister, named Rosamund Winter, and it would have been she who you encountered in Newham's flat. Whether your silence was due to confusion or some reason you haven't told, I implore you to keep it from Izzy if it is the latter. If it is the former, then I assure you it would comfort her to know the fate of her other sister, if anything to replace the hole I may have left.

Look after yourself, too. I'll miss you.



My dear Robert,

I cannot imagine how this must be for you. It seems forever since we have properly spoken, and for those times to be our last together cannot be an easy burden to bear. I do not know  what you will do now, I do not know where you will go. But I implore you not to let my passing stop you achieving what you want to. Know that I loved you, when I was alive, and go with my blessing to wherever you end up. If you find someone else, love her as you would have loved me, and if you do not, never waste any moment of happiness you do have. Wherever I am now, I'll watch over you.

All my love,




I know I've never called you that before, but I feel like I might as well, now, since I probably won't be able to again. I want to thank you so much, for your patience and your kindness and your love. You gave me safety, security, hope and support when I needed it most, and those times we spent with your mother and Tarquin I will never forget. I implore you to keep on with your work, it is where you belong, and you will make such a difference in the world. And I assure you, there will be others in this world as smart as we are. I love you.

Until next time,



My dearest, dearest Izzy,

In just writing these letters I'm filled with such guilt. To lose two little sisters-I cannot comprehend what I have done. But there is something you must know. I am now certain Rosamund is alive-I believe it was her that telephoned Scotland Yard the night I went to save Newham, pretending to be me. I don't know whether she has come to find us, I don't know her feelings toward you. But I hope it gives you some comfort to know you are not the only Winter sister left in  the world. I love you, with all my heart, and I hope you and Fisher remain together, and support each other until the end. You deserve each other, and I couldn't be happier for the both of you.

All the love in the world,



*Breathes out* OK, I'm done. I suppose now would be a bad time to point out this has been my plan from book 3...??? Thank you all for reading Allie's adventures, the support I have received has been beyond anything I could have hoped for, and I hope you will all mourn Allie's death as much as I would.
If, like most people, this end is too heartbreaking for you, I suggest reading the two spinoff books for this series, focusing on D.I. Tobias Smart, the first being "What Makes A Detective" exploring what was perhaps the reason Smart became a detective in the first place, a story that took place when he was fourteen years old.

Rachel xxxx

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