Chapter 7

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I was now standing awkwardly by a phone box, somewhere in the West End of London, waiting for Smart to finish whatever it was he was doing. I was still struggling to think straight. So far, he hadn't been exactly chatty, but he'd been polite, if a little chilly, and he'd been considerate, as far as Smart could be considerate. We'd walked slowly, as I'd been too shaken up to run, and Smart hadn't mentioned anything that had gone on at the Plaza or in the ballroom.

I looked up as the phone box opened, Smart slipping out with a shake of his head.

"Everything alright?" I asked nervously, as we set off again down the street.

"Scotland Yard secretaries" Smart told me briskly. "None of them have two brain cells to rub together."

This cracked a smile out of me, and Smart seemed pleased. We continued to walk, he at quite the pace now. I was having to hurry to keep up.

"Sorry, but where are we going?" I asked again. Smart seemed to realize how fast he was walking, and slowed up.

"We're dropping into Quinne's flat. Briefly. I just need to borrow a bit of cash, I'll pay him back. I've got a key. Then, we're off to the cart station" he told me.

"Quinne?" I repeated, puzzled, as we turned a corner and began down another street.

"My elder brother" Smart explained, with a sigh.

"Tarquin Smart" we both said together.

"I've met him briefly before" I added, as Smart looked stunned.

"Right" he said, a little bitterly. "He didn't tell me that." He walked a little ahead.

"He didn't know who I was" I called after him, but conversation seemed decidedly ended. We didn't walk for much longer, and Smart left me in a doorway while he slipped inside, coming out again whilst stuffing a few ten-pound notes into his pocket.

"Come on" he ordered again. "Cart."

Another short walk later, by which time my feet were beginning to tire, we arrived at the cart station and hired a cart. The whole station was empty bar us, and I curled up on the cart seat, my feet aching and my eyelids drooping heavily. I actually hadn't slept in days. I heard Smart sigh as he watched me.

"We'll be on here for a good few hours" he said. "I'd sleep while you can."

I smiled weakly, shutting my eyes. I felt the driver kickstart the horses, and we rumbled off. The side of the cart was low, and didn't give me much support, so I sat back up with a groan. Smart looked pityingly at me.

"Come here" he sighed, extending an arm, and after a moment's hesitation, my tiredness overcame me, and I snuggled down, leaning on him, and he put his arm over my shoulders, brushing away my hair with a hand.

I must have fallen asleep almost instantly.


I yawned, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.


"We've arrived" Smart told me. I shuffled free of him and looked around. We were in the square of a tiny little village, with big tall trees, rolling greens, and every little house totally different and perfectly formed, each with its own front and back garden, it seemed. The sun had come up, and it was early morning, so there was little life in the village as of yet, but the stillness and quietness of it all was utterly breathtaking.

"Where are we?" I asked quietly, not daring to break the silence.

"We're in the village where I grew up" Smart told me, from behind, as we climbed down from the cart. I was still in awe of the beauty of the place.

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