Invitation to the masquerade

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The next day after waking up, you walked into the living room and got the post.

A letter for Remus and one to you from Dumbledore.

You set the one for Remus on the coffee table and you peeled the seal off of yours, taking the letter out of the envelope.

Dear, (f/n)

You are cordially invited to the 1st annual Hogwarts masquerade ball. (Professors and staff only)

To come, you must be dressed up as some sort of creature or being, masked to hide identity (everyone is doing so).

Date: Saturday, June 10th

Time: 6:00 pm

Place: Hogwarts Great Hall

I hope you are able to come for this wonderous event.

Signed, Albus Dumbledore

Putting the letter in the pocket of your (f/c) robe, you stood, walking to the kitchen for a quick breakfast- the ball was next Saturday.

You quickly made some toast and were careful to not wake up Lupin as you dressed in a short sleeved (f/c) t-shirt and a pair of black knee length pants.

Time to go shopping.

Dashing out the door, you apparated to Diagon Ally. 

It wasn't as packed as usual, it being the second day of summer and all, but it was still crowded enough to make it difficult to make it to the dress shop.

When you entered, a tiny bell above the door chimed signaling your entrance and an older woman appeared from behind the counter.

"Hello, how may I help you today?" She asked. "My name is Ellen and I will be helping you find your dress. Hogwarts masquerade ball I presume?"

"Uh, yes. I u-"

"No need to say anything, I know precisely what suits you best!" The woman scurried to the back room and returned with a measuring tape, some fabrics and her wand. "Now, stand there on that blue mark in front of you, dear."

"Okay." You did as she told you. "Is there anything else I need to do?"

She didn't answer, for she had begun to take measurements and wave her wand at the fabric. 

"Ah, yes. I sense something great within you, secretive, the bird that was different from the flock."

She handed you a mask ((the one in the picture)) and nodded. "The dress will be ready for you to pick up the day before the ball."

"Thank you, Ellen. Have a great day." You paid and left without another word, tucking the mask away in case one of the other Professors happened to be there.

You'd made your way to a couple of other shops, merely window shopping- until it hit around 10:00.

Standing where there wasn't much traffic, you apparated back to the front of your house and walked in, immediately being wrapped in a hug by Lupin.

"Where were you?? You didn't leave a note I was afraid something happened and-"

"Moony, I'm fine, I just went out to get a dress ordered for the Hogwarts masquerade ball."

"Next time leave a note, please."

"Ok, I will. Now, the full moon is in a couple of days, so I'm going to make a couple of batches of Wolfsbane potions. Help yourself to whatever you feel like eating." 

You left for your study to make the potions without another word.


You finally finished the potions and had bottled them, walking out and handing them to Lupin.

"Use them well, if you ever need anymore, just tell me and I'll be on it as soon as possible."

"Thank you, (f/n). So you mentioned that Hogwarts is having a masquerade ball, yes?"

"Yes, the 1st annual as well." You handed him the letter and you watched as he read over it.

"What are you gonna do that whole time, wouldn't dancing with another coworker be kind of strange?"

"In some cases, but I can pretty much tell what professor is which, and I've already got my mask as well, the dress will be ready the day of." You let Lupin look at the mask as he gave the letter back to you.

"That's brilliant, (f/n)! But, one thing. You can dance, right? I mean, I know that you've been around awhile, but have you ever slow danced?"

"Uhm.....well...... no, actually. I um........ could you teach me?"

"Certainly." He stood up and walked you to the open spot by the fireplace and turned on some slow music with a flick of his wand. "Now, put your right hand on my shoulder and I put my hand on your waist, then with your left hand." He held it out to the side with your fingers intertwined. "Now just follow my lead."

You started to move and you eventually got the hang of it by the time the song ended.

"Thanks Moony! Otherwise I'd be going to the dance tripping over my own feet."

"Now, we wait for Saturday to pick up your dress and get you ready."

~the next day~

You had been up for at least an hour and had already eaten breakfast when you heard a knock at your door, you answered it- it was Severus.

"Hello, Severus, how are you on this grand summer day?"

"Good, I suppose. Did you get an invitation from Dumbledore to the 'Hogwarts masquerade ball'?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"I wasn't going to go unless I knew that someone else was going."

"Anything else?"

"Do you mind coming outside for a moment?"

You answered by walking out with him and closing the door.

"This must be important if you asked me to come out here."

"Yes. Has Vince bothered you lately? After what happened in January?"

"No. I haven't seen or heard from him, I'd prefer to keep it that way until it's really time for me to go back."

"I just wanted to make sure you were safe, just like you always did for me."

You smiled and gave him a hug, catching him off guard.

"I'll see you at the ball, Saturday."

Stepping back, you watched Severus apparate away. You say in a chair on the porch for a while, admiring the forest around you and the tops of buildings from Hogsmede.

"Good morning, (f/n). How did you sleep?" Lupin sat in a chair next to you.

"Good, and you?"

"Better then ever, thanks to your Wolfsbane potion, it really knocked me out."

"The full moon was last night then?"

"Yes, and I won't have to do that again for another month."

"That's good news, I couldn't have you running around Hogsmede scaring people."

He chuckled and the two of you talked for hours about life after Remus moved away from Hogsmede.

((Ello! The next part is the ball itself, I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as you did the others and I hope you like the chapters ahead as well! As always! Adieu! -admin and Moony))

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