Training from a Master

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~the next morning~



Last night Severus had slept on the couch with you while watching the fire. It was nice at the moment, but he was still sound asleep and you couldn't get up to make breakfast.



You cupped his cheek with your hand and shook his head a bit, he still didn't wake up.

"Severus Snape. You need to wake up!"


"You're too heavy for me to move when I can't move my legs!"

Shaking him by the back of his shoulders, you managed to move the top half of your body out from under him, but now you were hanging off the couch.

"C'mon Sev, the blood is rushing to my braaaaiiiin."

What'll wake him up?.......................... I know he isn't dead because he's breathing.........but he won't. Wake. Up.................wait...... I have an idea..

You sat up and pivoted yourself to be back on the couch. Sitting up as much as you could. You leaned forward and took Severus' face in your hands and kissed him, hoping It'd make him wake up. Nevertheless, less then a minute later his eyes gently opened and you leaned back.

"Good morning, (f/n). Did you miss me?" Severus smirked.

"Morning. Well of course, but I had to get you up so I could make breakfast." You replied with a quirky smile.

Severus got up and you stretched your legs, thankful you now could. You got up and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. 

"How do you ever wake up on time every morning? You sleep like a rock, Severus."

"Magic... I suppose."

"Magic or not, you have a busy day. Go ahead and sit down while I make breakfast. Remus went out for today to get supplies he needs for a project so he won't be joining us for training."

You started making toast (as always), bacon, and pancakes. Humming your favorite song as you cook, dancing around switching in between foods. 

"(F/n), last night you told me I'd be attacking in the air, but how am I going to ride a broom and shoot at the same time?"

"No worries Severus, that's why we're training today."

That's when there was a knock on the door.

Both of your jaws dropped as Severus grabbed his food and hid in the coat closet underneath your stairs. You cautiously walked towards the front of the house and opened the door. Bosco.

"Hey, (f/n)." He said. "You didn't seem to be home last night when I came to visit. I knocked but nobody answered. Can I come in?"

"O-oh, Bosco, yes come in. I was just making breakfast." Bosco enters and you close the door as he sits down on your couch.

"So you wanted to tell me something, (f/n)?"

"Yes." You sit down across from him in a chair. "I know how you feel about me and I wanted to tell you that it won't work." 

"W-wait....w-why?" He looked at you in disbelief.

"Well. Think of it this way. If Flitwick and another student were dating, do you think the Ministry would be ok with that?"

"I-I guess n-not.... But you're security!"

"Yes, but I'm still considered staff of Hogwarts. Besides, I'm sorry to tell you this but- I don't like you that way."

At this point, Bosco was broken. He had gotten his courage up all year and his hopes and dreams of you were shattered with a single sentence. He got up from his seat- already sobbing- and he left.

"Well, one down, one to go. Severus, you can come out now."

Severus exited the coat closet eating a piece of toast. "Why was that so entertaining?"

You rolled your eyes jokingly. "Maybe it's because I made an 11 year old boy cry. Finish your breakfast soon, we're falling a bit behind." You Accioed some toast and bacon to your hand and went to get ready for the day.

~1 hour later~

Severus and you had gotten on your broom with your weapons and taken off for the training grounds, if you could call it that. Even flying as fast as you could it still took a half hour to get there- the middle of a forest (not the Dark Forest, mind you). 

You landed in a clearing surrounded by trees with targets painted on them.

"Alright, Severus. Pull out your weapon." As you said that he took his gun out of the holster you gave him.

"Now what? I just aim and pull the trigger?" As he says that he aims towards a tree and pulls the trigger- nothing happens.

"No, no, no. There's more to it then that." You position his arms the right way and show him how to properly hold the weapon. "You have to make sure the safety is off. In which, it currently is so you don't kill anyone." You pull a silencer from out of nowhere and put it on the end of his gun and turned off the safety. "Now, hold it like this." You put your hands over his and placed them on the right parts of the gun. "And pull the trigger when you've aimed at the red spot on that tree."

He pulled the trigger and the small amount of knock back made him miss the spot by about a foot. "I prefer a wand, I'm much better off using that then this blasted thing." He said as he lowered the gun.

"Remember, you can't use a wand against Vince's army, only the gun or a melee weapon will work, and I don't want you getting close to them." You replied.

"Fine, I'll use the blasted knock back thing."

"You do realize that I wasn't as good as that when I started teaching myself, you're doing better then I did."

"Yeah, right. I bet you're lying to get me to continue."

"Would I lie about that? Something so simple?"

".... Well...... No."

"Good, let's continue."

~3rd Person POV~

Hours went by as (f/n) trained Severus in the art of gun wielding. Severus got better and better, and eventually mastered firing with one hand. 

1:00 came around and (f/n) walked to her broom, coming back with a seemingly empty satchel.

"That's lunch? A piece of old leather on a string?"

"No, Severus you weirdo. Have you ever seen bags that can hold more then it looks like it can? Like an infinite space bag?"

"Obviously. But this isn't one of them."

"Oh really, Mr. Snape? Look here." (F/n) opened the flap of the small satchel and pulled out a large basket and opened it, showing Severus that it was full of food. "Now you see, don't judge a book by its cover- but in this case- don't judge a bag by its material."

Severus couldn't even comprehend what had happened and was standing there wide eyed with his mouth ajar.

"You just- but that's a- but, but, but.....what?"

"Come on, Severus, lunch." (F/n) said as she layed out a picnic blanket and started unloading the food.

((Alright readers, how was that? Bosco visited- didn't leave very happy- but still. You still have to go to the Malfoys house 😐. I haven't updated recently because 3 weeks ago our dear Alan Rickman passed away, we will remember him Always ❤️😢. As always. Adieu! -admin, Moony, and the lost boys))

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