Chapter Eleven: Through the Iron Gate

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Chapter Eleven: Through the Iron Gate

Tore and I rode west. Finally with a destination in mind. We had been riding hard for days. The horses were fairing well, we had taken horses well conditioned for this kind of work. I knew they were much better off in our care either way. I felt a pang of regret as I remembered those left behind. We had only been gone two days, but who knew what had happened after we had left.

"We should rest at the next town we come to." Tore suggested. I couldn't help but agree. I was exhausted. I would have to make sure to keep my mark kept hidden from all who would recognize it. 

"Okay, but let me pick the place, I know the land better." I said, we were going to have to board at a pub, it was the safest place to keep from being recognized. Tore quickly agreed and we headed towards one of the nearest towns.

It was a small town with a big name. I had never been there, but it was large enough to be able to get lost inside without getting any unwanted attention. We walked our horses in, Faith was exhausted as was Eddie and Tore. None of us were used to such long hours traveling. While at Lord Gorath's estate I took it upon myself to keep the horses well taken care of and exercised properly which left me at a distinct advantage. I was not nearly as sore as Tore. He tried not to show it, but it was obvious he was in pain. We headed towards the nearest pub with a stable in the rear. Tore spoke briefly with the owner of the pub and acquired a room and board for the night. We both agreed beforehand that it would be best to save what money they had brought with them and only get one room.

Once the horses were boarded, fed, and groomed I headed up to the room we had purchased for the night. Faith still needed salve for her scars and Eddie needed only brief maintenance before bed. When I reached the room I felt every muscle in my body ache. Tore had already taken advantage of the pubs facilities and showered. He was sitting mostly dressed on the single bed we had asked for. The realization hit me, I was going to have to share. I felt rather awkward about it, but exhaustion won out in the end. I grabbed my spare pair of clothes and went to shower.

The water felt great, it was like all the aching soreness was being washed off. There was still a great deal of being sore, but I felt immediately better. I came out of the restroom with my clean clothes already on. Tore had nearly fallen asleep. I felt it would be a shame to wake him. The room was lit dimly with a lantern, I took out the small booklet I had brought and began to read quietly to myself. Even though it had caused immense trouble I still had a desire to learn. I read out the small phrases Tore had helped me write. It was strange, but comforting to have something to do with my mind. After half an hour or so I set the book down and curled up on the small bed. I didn't seem to feel as uncomfortable as I had previously. Tore wasn't Gorath after all.

I woke the next morning to find Tore nowhere to be seen. At the end of the bed there were a pair of clothes, a shirt and pants. At first I looked at them confused, but then I saw a small paper note laying atop the pile. It was written in his scrawling handwriting:


I've gone off to run some errands, I'll be back soon. These are for you, I'll explain later.


I wandered through the small room looking for clues of where he would've gone off to. Finally I showered again, knowing I wouldn't have that luxury in our future travels, and got dressed in the new clothes. They felt tight, but not uncomfortable. I walked down to the stable to find both Eddie and Faith still safe within the walls of their stalls. I made sure they were fed, making sure to give Faith more than usual, she had to start gaining some weight. I checked the tack making sure we weren't missing any of it before heading upstairs for breakfast. I talked to the owner quickly and found that Tore had made sure to pay for my meal in advance.

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