Chapter Twelve: The Floating City

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Chapter Twelve: The Floating City

In the small rented room both Tore and I were exhausted. There was no running water, though there was enough to wash briefly. I splashed some on my face to keep me awake enough to eat something. We ate in our room, Renleck took to his own and left it only to get food to eat. I sat tiredly on the single bed the room was small like the one before though on the wall hung a map. It was delicately drawn out and painted in a way which made it beautiful. It was rare to see anything so colorful.

I had gotten dressed out of my travel clothes once I came to the room. I left briefly so that Tore could do the same. We ate together in silence. Exhaustion was something which seemed to tie ones tongue to the bottom of their mouths. Once we finished I gathered the plates and set them outside the door. I curled up on the very edge of the bed. I felt every inch of my body ache. I could only imagine Tore felt the same.

He sat down on the opposite side remarking he would take the floor, "I just need to rest a minute." He said his eyes were heavy. I couldn't blame him. He looked as if he had been up for days. I could imagine the days events would not be conducive to him gaining any more sleep than he had the night before. This concerned me. I had no wish to see him fall ill, so I left him to fall asleep. I felt my own eyes start to feel heavy with sleep. I took out my small book with letters and words inside it and began to read. Not ten minutes into my exercises I felt myself slip into unconsciousness.

We woke and again began our ride. It took three more days before we made it to the boarder of the kingdom Sunder. Renleck had kept us safe though we were both exhausted and tense from our journey. "I will stay as long as your majesty requires." Renleck offered gallantly.

'Your majesty'? Who was Tore really? Had he been lying the whole time? Thoughts like that rushed through my head. I wished desperately to find out, but I stemmed my curiosity for the time being and tried not to make any assumptions.

"Where might I find you if your services are needed?" Tore asked, not questioning the way he had been addressed.

"You need only ask for Renleck of the Southern lands, I will come find you." He said speaking in the old tongue.

"Thank you Renleck. Your service shan't go unnoticed." Tore said formally as Renleck made his own way back. I realized in that moment there were many things about Tore I had no idea about. I wished I knew where to start, or even what I wanted to know. Tierra always said 'Never ask a question you do not wish to hear the answer to.' It always amazed me how Tierra spoke. I missed her. Despite all our falling outs and disagreements I missed her constant nagging and gossip. Maybe one day I'll go back and see her, I told myself this only so that I wouldn't turn back now. It gave me hope that I would see her again, even false hope was comforting.

We walked our horses into town, against Renlecks warning I had taken a small piece of fur from the blue creature. I had cut it off with a small dagger. It was silly really to think about it, but it was something I had never seen before. I had just wanted to have a part of it. It seemed to glow. Either way I was drawn to it. Not even Tore knew about it. I had kept it from him. Something in me knew he wouldn't understand. Since seeing those eyes had changed something in me. I put it into my satchel careful to hide it from any onlookers.

"What've you got there?" It was Tore, I jumped not even meaning to.

"Nothing," I said quickly. Then a thought occurred to me. "What did Renleck mean by 'Your Majesty'?"

"It's a long story, nothing to worry about." Tore said quickly changing the subject. "Where shall we board tonight?"

"It matters little to me." I said unsure of why he was so hesitant to give me a straight answer. I ignored it for now making a mental note before carrying on. "We made it to the city, that's all that matters now."

The Necromanced (Being Edited 7/21/14)Where stories live. Discover now