Chapter Thirty-two: Recovery

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Chapter Thirty-two: Recovery

"Are you awake?" Thomas asked as he stepped through the door.

"Would you stop asking that?" I joked pretending to be angry. t

"Hey! Hey!" He said holding up his hands. "I come bearing gifts!" I saw immediately that he was carrying several books. He had most likely overheard me talking to Merrick about how much I missed them.

"Which ones did you get?" I asked anxiously. He rattled off several books and authors, none of which I had heard of. Nevertheless I was glad to have them.

"Read one to me?" I asked hopefully.

"Which one do you want?" He asked coming over to sit on the bed.

I shrieked in pain for half a second yelling. "You're on my leg! Your on my leg!"

Thomas sprang to his feet and realized, as I had, that he had not sat on my leg. My single leg was rather far from the edge and thus impossible. I turned bright red with embarrassment. "Sorry." I apologized feeling terrible for the fright I'd caused.

"It's fine." Thomas said pretending to be completely calm. "Really it's fine. Do you still want me to read one?"

"I don't know if that's such a good idea." I said still thoroughly embarrassed.

"I don't mind." Thomas said not sure how far he should push.

"Okay then, you pick." I said hoping nothing else would arise. He started off strong, sitting carefully away from where my "leg" was. I listened intently. It wasn't a terribly interesting story, though it had several comical lines which made me chuckle.

It wasn't long until he was called back to the guard. Once he left I slipped into a calming sleep, it was pleasant. I slipped between reading and sleeping for the next couple hours.

The injections stilled the throbbing pain. It was far better than it was a week ago, but I still couldn't walk. I hadn't heard any news on Jase, I wondered what had become of him. I had heard rumors here and there, but nothing was confirmed.

A knock came from the door. "Hello?"


"Do you mind if I come in?" He asked politely, hovering at the door. He looked as though he hadn't slept in days.

"You don't happen to have a knife on you do you?" I asked distrustfully.

He winced. "No, I don't."

"Sorry. Come on in." I said feeling guilty.

"How's the leg?" He asked in the gentle way he did.

"It hurts sometimes, itches too, but other than that the swelling has gone down." I said hoping to stay positive, after the way I'd greeted him I thought he at least deserved that.

"I've heard of that, have you told the healers?" Kal asked wide eyed.

"No, there's not much they can do for something that doesn't exist."

"Good. Don't, they might think you're possessed." Kal said looking more anxious than usual. "They might... They might try to get the demons out—It's not pretty, just don't tell anyone okay?" He said hoping I'd promise not to. I nodded, it wasn't that big of a promise.

"What's that behind you back?" I asked realising he was holding something. My heart thudded loudly in my ears for a minute, Kal was a wild card, I had no idea where his loyalties lay.

"Oh!" Kal said as if remembering something. "I talked to Gladriel, the palace seamstress, and got your measurements —Anyway, it isn't much, but..." Kal pulled out a strange metal contraption.

The Necromanced (Being Edited 7/21/14)Where stories live. Discover now