Chapter Thirteen: Unexpected Death

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Chapter Thirteen: Unexpected Death

I got up, Tore was still asleep. I went to the windowsill and wrote. I loved the feel of the pen scraping across the page leaving a trail of ink. I wrote the word again and again: Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful... I wrote it in every way I could think of. I tried out several other words reading them slowly. I liked the way they looked. A voice called from the other side of the room.

"Mariden," It was Tore. His voice sounded quiet and soothing.

"I'm over here." I said quietly.

"Come over here," He said before adding, "please."

I walked over towards him. He was half sitting up his eyes were trained on me. They were familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. I wasn't sure what he wanted. I came and sat opposite him on the bed. "Okay, here I am." I said.

Tore reached out and took my hand, I didn't pull away. "What are you doing?" I asked not alarmed just unsure. He turned it over in his hands, there was something gentle in the way he did this.

"I have something for you." Tore said, there was something different in his eyes when he spoke. "That is should you chose to accept it." He added.

"What is that?" I asked glancing at my hand in his. He turned it over again, palm up, the red birthmark which was seemingly smeared across my wrist and forearm seemed of little consequence. "Curious." He said. Tore reached behind him and pulled a small set of six throwing knives from his bag. They were made of a light steel, the handles were intricately designed. I took the knives from him. They felt light and balanced in my hands."Thank you." I said feeling lame, "Might I ask what the occasion is?"

"It's my birthday today." He said with a strange smile on his face.

"Aren't you supposed to receive gifts on your birthday, not give them?" I said hoping to get a grin.

"This birthday is a little different you could say." Tore couldn't help but smile a little wider.

We spent the morning lounging about our small tavern room. Both of us knew we were simply putting off the inevitable. But I knew neither of us were in any hurry to go anywhere. Finally at midday I could take it no longer, I wasn't sure what the ring meant but we couldn't put off going back any longer. I realized, mostly because of the ring, that in this world I was the outsider who didn't understand what things meant. Knowing that drove me mad. I had to get out and do something. Tore agreed finally that we should head towards the palace. I regretted pressing him to it, but we could not keep putting it off.

We rode slowly towards the palace. We were in no hurry to get there. The streets were even more stunning in the sunlight than they had been at night. It was louder now. Bustling with people from all walks of life. I kept my gift from Tore under my cloak as we rode. the streets seemed a never ending path of winding road. We reached the palace in an hour it was surrounded by tall walls, much like the walls fencing off the wasteland. We reached the gate which was intricate in many ways much like the city itself it was designed artistically as well as functionally.

Tore walked up to the gate as I trailed cautiously behind. He spoke briefly with the guard at the gate, after Tore spoke with him the gates opened. They walked in, Tore held the reins of Eddie tightly in his left hand. I followed his lead with Faith at my side, though I wasn't sure what I was doing. The palace seemed to be a maze within another maze. The architecture was sunning, let alone the other various decor.

I looked around trying to take it all in, but found myself at a loss of what to do with all of it. It was beautiful. Tore and I stood close our horses standing still. Two stable boys came to take the horses away, I wanted to refuse them. Not allow them near either one of the horses. I a heartbeat I was placing myself between them and the horses, something in my eyes told them to back away. I pulled a knife from a cloak which was draped over my black gown. I held it out as a warning. The boys scattered away. One ventured too close. I sent him running with an animal like snarl. It was like nothing I had ever heard and yet it seemed to be coming from me.

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