Baby Mama

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It's been 5 months since Andrew and I have gotten back together. I was sitting on his lap watching T.V. at his house when he got a text on his phone. "WHAT THAT F-" he was about to yell but he remembered that his Dad was home. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "Umm" he said, not knowing whether or not he should tell me. I got off his lap. "Tell. Me. NOW!" I yelled. He gave up and handed me the phone. The text was from Casey, it said that she was 7 months pregnant with his baby.

Just then, I wanted to punch him in the face. How could he get a girl pregnant then date me 2 months later? I just wanted to scream but I decided to just leave.

"Kyra" Drew said trying to make me stay. I ignored him. I walked home and lied down on the couch. "You seem angry" Kiara said sitting next to me. I ignored her, I didn't feel like talking. In two months their baby was going to be born and I'm just gonna look stupid. I put my head in my hands. I then received a text from Casey. How'd she get my number??

Casey: I'm pregnant with Andrew's baby if you didn't already hear.

Me: You're still in the tenth grade so you shouldn't be bragging.

Casey: I really don't care about school.

Me: you obviously don't care about a lot of things.

Casey: Are you jealous I did it with Andrew first??

Me: No

Casey: yes you are because soon he's gonna care about me more than u and there's nothing u can do a about it

Me: stfu and leave me alone. I'm over him.


I put down my phone. I'm now single and ready to get in a new relationship. I didn't need Andrew to be happy. I hope they are happy with their unborn child.

❤Okay, I'm hope you like it :) please vote and comment. Thankss❤

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