Mermaid Hunt

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When he spotted the mermaid he charged like a raging bull and chased her for six hours straight. All the sea folks came in from the deep to watch the skeleton hunt down the mermaid like a bullfighter in a corrida. Everyone cheered on the skeleton as they watched him tire out the mermaid. Her tale turned bright red and began to overheat. The water around her started to boil. She felt her skin burn and she began to slow down as the pain became unbearable.

Finally, the skeleton caught her in his net and as he raised her spear in the direction of her heart, he ordered the mermaid to break the spell.

'Turn me back as I was or I will make a soup out of you,' he exclaimed. When she saw that she could in no way escape from the skeleton, the mermaid began to weep.

'I pray thee let me go! The spell will be reversed the day your wife's lights are extinguished.'

'You mean she must die?' he answered.

'If the love between the two of you was pure, when she dies, death will come naturally upon you.'

'And how is that so,' asked the skeleton?

'Have you ever heard of cases where elderly couples die each one within days or even hours of their partner's death? You see, ocean couples that have been together for a very long time experience a sort of psychic connection. They begin to read each other thoughts, feel sympathy pains for the other and when one dies, it is like all the lights abruptly turn off and the surviving partner shortly follows. Breaking the spell requires a similar phenomena.'

'If that's so, then my wife must still be alive otherwise I'd wouldn't be alive, I mean living dead? What do I have to do?'

'I suppose you just have to wait and see if she truly loved you.'

The skeleton suddenly had an idea.

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