Chapter 2 - Dance Class

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Chapter 2 - Dance Class

"Plie, up, plie, up, plie, toes up around, and down." My dance teacher, Becci, says for the tenth time. It's our second set of them and it's obvious the other girls are dying by now. 

"Alright, we can stop now." Becci says easily. A round of "thank god" and many groans echo through the studio.

"Good work today Tasia. I'm glad you're not dead like the rest of them. You obviously took my advise and began building up some stamina." That's the sort of thing that gets me through the day.

"Thanks, Becci and yeah I have been. It certainly does pay off." She smiles and then goes back to the class.

After class I look at my phone and find that my parents are not able to collect me, again. "Guess I'm walking then." I whisper to myself.

"Awe, Tas I'm sorry. I'd give you a lift, but I'm already running late for my date with Adam." My best friend Eric says sadly. Yes, you read that right. Eric is the kind of guy that every girl wants as a best friend. He is fit from dancing and he loves fashion. He's my gay best friend and I love him.

"It's alright Eric, I'll walk. Have fun on your date with Adam." Eric knows what my family is really like, and he tries to help me escape as much as possible. I don't know what I'd do without him. 

"Alright Babe, I'll call you later so we can discuss my date with the hottie." He then hugs me, smacks my butt and saunters off to his Audi A8 convertible. Did I mention he is rich aswell.

After waving to Eric, I begin my long 2 mile hike to my house. 

After only a few minutes of walking I hear a loud horn blowing beside me. I jumped in shock and turned to see an obnoxious Tristan laughing at me. I take out my headphones and before I get a chance to yell at him, he says "Looks like you need a ride. I heard Eric had a date so, your knight in shining armour is here at last. Besides there is a huge downpour coming." And with that the few random drops turned to buckets of rain. I almost hit my head on the doorframe as I dived for cover to the sound of his laughter.

"Just shut up and drive." I say angrily. 

So Tristan, if your wondering is my dance partner and unfortunately he is not gay. Becci has often had to make us leave the studio until we calm down, because Tristan grabs me "inappropriately".

Of course, I'm sort of use to it after three years. Besides, it's not so bad considering that he has "drool worthy abs" as the giggling girls in dance class say, naturally making his head even bigger. But, we are really close friends so I put up with it.

"Tasia, stop spacing out on me." Shit, I need to stop doing that.

"Sorry Tris. What were you saying." I say in my best you can't-be-angry-with-me-cause-I'm-your-best-friend voice. "I was just saying that I'm kidnapping you so we can watch non-chickflick movies before Eric comes over after his date and I have to listen to the two of you going on about Adam." His matter-of-fact tone leaves no room for argument 

He is always doing this, but what he doesn't know is I get into shit for it. I can't say anything, because even though he knows about my family and stuff, I don't want him to feel guilty about it.

"Okay, but I need to call my parents and tell them that me and Sarah are going to be gone for the day." He nods understandingly. 

With that I take out my Iphone and call my mom from hell, as the guys call her.

"Hello" she says in her stuck up voice. "Hey mom, I just called to say that both Sarah and I are going to be at friend's houses for the day." I hear her excuse herself and walk away before replying. 

"Don't come home tonight if you are not prepared to be the perfect little daughter we expect you to be. I will call your sister to tell her we have guests coming tonight, so if you are going to make us look bad then don't come home." She says all fake kindness gone from her voice. 

Tris taps my shoulder and I turn to look at him. He uses actions to tell me "You can stay with me." I mouth "Thanks" and tell my mother that I won't be home.

"You are such a disappointment." She says before abruptly hanging up.

I stare at my phone for a moment, before throwing it into my dance bag. "Ignore her Tas. You can stay in my house anytime. Besides my mom loves you and your abnormally large appetite." That's what I love about Tristan. He can always put a smile on your face.

I laugh and I spent the rest of the ride to his house laughing at his stupid jokes. 


So you now get to see the normal, non-suicidal Anastasia....

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