Chapter 10 - New beginnings

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"She's not leaving. Ground me all you like, but Anatasia has to stay." I had never heard Tristan beg for anything to anyone other then Eric and I, but the desperate look on his face was turned full force on his mother. Amy glanced at Tris and then me and then our entertwind fingers. She seemed at a loss of words.

"You can not demand for a stranger to stay the night in my house. She means nothing to any of us. We do not run a hotel service to stray whores." By the end of his speech, Mike was yelling in my face. Tears began to fall down my face without my consent. I pulled my hand from Tristan's iron grip suddenly, and ran at full speed out of the house I had once felt at home in.

 Mike's words echoed in my mind as I ran with no real destination in mind, just that I needed to get as far away from there as possible. I desperately needed to put as much distance between myself and the person who first said the words that had always been implied when my parents yelled at me. 

I was a nobody. I didn't matter to anybody. I didn't have a home to go to anymore.


Chapter 10

Tears burned my frozen face, as I attempted to cover myself with the small blazer wrapped around me. I had never felt so alone in my entire life, not that loneliness was an uncommon emotion for me but this was different. This was because of a betrayal. The tears continued steadily, as I remembered how no one seemed to chase after me. If Tris had tried he would have caught me almost instantaneously. 

Anger began to build within me when I thought of how many times he told me he would never let this happen outside my parents house. Amy always said I would have a home there, and now just because her precious husband is in a tissy she thinks she can treat me like this? I put up with a lot of shit at home without them attempting to walk all over me. Its like they think that just because I am rejected at home, that they can pick and choose the days when they decide they want me and I'll come running.  

No. I won't stand for it anymore. I will not let people treat me this way. I already think I am worthless. I don't need you to tell me that Mike. 

With that mental rant out of the way, I picked myself up off the familiar meadow that is my back garden, and walked into my house. I took my private staircase up to my room, slightly smiling to myself as I remember why I hid in that particular spot. The only place no one would think to look is this hellhole, and I've never shown Eric or Tris my meadow before.

I slept easily that night. Knowing today would be much better than yesterday was always a wondrous way to awake in the morn. I dressed quickly, in my favourite wine skinny jeans, DKNY tee and my most prized piece of clothing, my black leather jacket. I paired my outfit with black vans with white soles. Applying eye liner, mascara and a smidgen of lip gloss, I was ready to face the world. 

I made a snap decision and decided to call Joesph, Sarah and I's driver, instead of walking into town. Joesph spent most of his time running errands for the rest of the household since Sarah was trusted with her own car. I never liked to ask him for lifts places seeing as he was always busy with Sarah.

"Charlie here." That did not sound like the 45 year old Joesph Kent. "I'm sorry I must have the wrong number. I'm looking for Joesph Kent?" Nervously I waited for this strange Charlie guy's reply. 

"Would you by any chance be Miss Anatasia?" His curious tone confused me. "Yes. Now would you be so...." He rudely interrupted me with a chuckle. "I'm sorry Miss, but Joe retired a few months ago. My name is Charlie Schmidt. Your parents hired me as your new driver."

I was shocked to say the least at this new development. I can't believe they didn't tell me that I was getting a new driver. "I'd be happy to drive you anywhere you'd like, Miss Anatasia." He continued more seriously hearing my hesitation. "Alright Mr Schmidt. Pick me up out front, I need to go down town." With that said, I ended the call not wanting to hear anymore from him so I wouldn't make any assumptions about what kind of person he was before actually meeting him. People are never the same on the phone as in person. 

I waited patiently on the porch for the silver mercedes to pull up in front. I had not anticipated the rain when I picked my outfit this morning. As soon as the silver Mercedes benz mclaren SLR pulled up in front of the house, a tall, well built, black haired 20 something year old hopped out putting up an umbrella.

"Good morning Miss Anatasia. Lovely weather we're having, isn't it." His cheerful demeanor was contagious. I couldn't prevent the grin from spreading across my face as I shook his large, lightly tanned hand. "I agree, this damp weather does wonders for ones well being. Oh and you can call me Anna Mr. Schmidt." I replied with a wink. He led me over to the passenger side of the merc, even opening the door for me. Chuckling at my surprised expression, he said "Chivalery isn't dead to me Anna, and you can call me Charlie." With that he closed my door and climbed into the drivers side.

"So where to?" He seemed rather content around me, which I'd say means he was forced to endure Sarah for awhile."The hairdressers for a start and then lunch in the french restaurant." He simply nodded his head rather then answer, and so we were off. I couldn't wait for the new me to take over. Maybe I could get the lead in the upcoming dance recital with this new attitude of mine. 


So I decided it was time for Anatasia to grow a backbone. Please tell me what you think, good or bad. Oh, and vote if you liked it. 

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