Dare To Dance - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Anna!!!!" Sarah screams from downstairs. I hate when she does that. I mean voices echo in the hall of the house, so there is really no need to shout. 

I walk out onto the landing, "What do you want now?", she probably just wants me to do something for her, like go into the shop because she doesn't look good enough, or do her chores.

"Don't be rude. I just need you to cover for me while I go meet my new boyfriend. I don't want mam and pops to know about him yet." She replies.

Another new boyfriend. The last one lasted one month but I never saw him once. They broke up two weeks ago. I'm surprised it took so long for another to appear. 

"Fine, but they probably won't be back till late anyway." She knows this of course but sometimes she doesn't even come back.

Brant was never like this. My older brother is in the army now. He was the only one who really cared about me. 

"Whatever, be back later shitface." She calls while walking out the door, after checking herself in the mirror. Her short chocolate mop without a strand out of place, yet the hairspray can't give her the extra height she desires.This however, does not stop boys melting in her presence. I on the other hand, am an average all round blonde. I think my eyes are my only redeemable feature.  They do say that eyes are the gateway to a person's soul, well I like to think mine are like that, even though no one seems to notice. 

I always notice that when I'm alone in the house, it sounds so empty and hollow, like an old creaky house that no one has been in for years. This is a common occurrence for me, being left alone with my thoughts, while everyone else is off taking advantage of the Summer holidays.

I prefer to sit on my window seat reading Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice". I love her writing because it portrays life just like a novel should. It shows the difficulties of being poor, but in the end everything is as you hope it would be, a nice happily ever after.

With no one around, I take off my zippy and try not to stare at my cuts. I did it again last night. I didn't mean to, I just couldn't help myself. I stupidly told Sarah about my dream of studying dance at University.

Needless to say, she didn't take it well and she wouldn't drop it. She kept going on and on about how our parents would never pay for it and how I would be wasting my time. She went so far as to say that I would fail miserably and end up living at home, depending on our parents. 

To be honest, I would rather live in a dingy apartment, working overtime in a dead end job then to depend on them. They only humour me by letting me go to dance class and they never come to my shows to see me. That's what hurts the most. They haven't seen me dance in years, and they don't even want to either.

It all just became to much and that is how I got my third jagged reminder.

I say reminder, because that's what they are. Reminders of how miserable I am here. 

I need to stop thinking now, so I'm going to dance for a while. That is my only other form of coping. 

I feel free when I dance and the breeze from spinning eases the pain of my cuts.....


Sorry the chapters are short, but I write two at a time mostly. 

Anyhow, vote and please tell me what you think..........

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